I'm running Greg Gillespie's Barrowmaze megadungeon using the Forge rules. Barrowmaze is designed around Labyrinth Lord, which is B/X D&D from the '80s with the best bits of AD&D 1st ed. added. Consequently, my Forge/D&D monster conversion system works pretty easily for these monsters.
Substitutions: Avecki for Spitting Cobras; Creeper for most Oozes; Dweller for giant crabs, cave fishers and beetles; Ebryn for Stirges; Geleb for Lizardmen or Troglodytes; Harpies for Barrow Harpies; Magoul for Ghouls (see below for Ghoul variants); Mevoshk for Nasty Giant Snakes; Gray Mold for most molds; use Forge build for Giant Rats, Giant Snakes, Giant Spiders, Skeletons and Zombies.
Turning Undead: Unlike D&D Clerics, Berethenu Knights have to use a spell to turn undead. In the Barrowmaze, the spell is at -5% chance of success and each additional use of the spell in a day deducts an extra 5% (cumulative)
The Barrowmounds
Coffer Corpse
15+1d6 HP, AV2, AR2, SPD 2, Saving Throw 15+, Damage: 1d6 then 1d6 actual damage/round (strangulation); only harmed by magic, collapses after 4hp of any damage then rises (Save vs Fear or flee, dropping equipment 50%), vulnerable to Major Turning
8+1d6HP, AV0 (AV1 with Jump), AR3, SPD 1 (Jump 3), Saving Throw 14+, Damage: Weapon; jump allows free disengage move
- SUB-LEADER (for every 4): 15+d6 HP, AV2
- KING (for every 20): 20+1d6 HP, AV3, +1 damage
- SHAMAN (75% with King): 1d4 Beast Magic Spells of Level 1d3
Ghast (Margast)
25+1d6, AV4, AR5, SPD 4, Saving Throw 10+, Damage: claw 1d3/claw 1d3/bite 1d6 (+ Save vs Paralysis from bite); reek causes -2 AV unless Save vs Death
Since Forge weirdly refers to Ghouls as 'Margouls' I suppose Ghasts must be 'Margasts.' Forge Margouls don't paralyse but I've added this power to the Margast's bite.
Since Forge weirdly refers to Ghouls as 'Margouls' I suppose Ghasts must be 'Margasts.' Forge Margouls don't paralyse but I've added this power to the Margast's bite.
Toad, Giant
17+1d6, AV3, AR2, SPD 3, Saving Throw 15+, Damage: 1d4+1; 50% surprise, 15ft tongue hits Dwarf/Jher-em/Sprite & drags then bites (actual damage) or swallows Sprite (damage 1d6 actual every turn)
Tomb Robbers
9+1d6, AV1, AR3 (1d20+10 AP), SPD 4, Saving Throw 14+, Damage: 1d8 (or Weapon)
Stat block equivalent to basic 1st level mooks
Stat block equivalent to basic 1st level mooks
Will o the Wisp
60+2d6, AV8, AR10, SPD 6, Saving Throw 5+, Damage: 2d6 (ignores metal armour); Save vs Mind to avoid being lured into bogs, attacks only in self defence
Falling into a bog involves losing 1 SPD every round, submerged at 0SPD then takes 1d6 actual damage after 1 minute, then 2d6, then 3d6, etc. Will O Wisps stand guard over their victims and attack would-be rescuers. Marsh Tallows are plants that cost 3gp and shed light in 5ft radius for 1d6 minutes: they will drive Will O Wisps away while burning.
Falling into a bog involves losing 1 SPD every round, submerged at 0SPD then takes 1d6 actual damage after 1 minute, then 2d6, then 3d6, etc. Will O Wisps stand guard over their victims and attack would-be rescuers. Marsh Tallows are plants that cost 3gp and shed light in 5ft radius for 1d6 minutes: they will drive Will O Wisps away while burning.
Area 1: Forbidden Antechamber
Beetle, Fire
11+1d6 HP, AV2, AR5, SPD 4, Saving Throw 14+, Damage: 2d4; glands shed light to 10’ for 1d6 days
Forge has more than enough big bugs in its bestiary, but the Fire Beetle is such a dungeon classic I think it needs to be ported across rather than substituted.
Forge has more than enough big bugs in its bestiary, but the Fire Beetle is such a dungeon classic I think it needs to be ported across rather than substituted.
Crypt Shade
15+1d6HP, AV 2, AR 0, SPD 4, Saving Throw 16+, Damage: 1d8; Crypt Shade deals 1 damage to armour and rest is actual, weapons do minimum damage to Crypt Shade unless magical, silver, fire or holy water; vulnerable to Minor Turning
Crystal Statue, Living
20+1d6, AV3, AR5, SPD 4, Saving Throw 10+, Damage: fist 1d6/fist 1d6
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
15+1d6, AV2, AR3, SPD 4, Saving Throw 14+, Damage: bite 1d8; jump 30ft and surprise 70%
Gelatinous Cube
25+1d6, AV4, AR1, SPD 2, Saving Throw 16+, Damage: 2d8 (+ Save vs Paralysis on contact); translucency surprises 70%
Ghaist (Margaist)
23+1d6, AV4, AR5, SPD 4, Saving Throw 10+, Damage: claw 1d4/claw 1d4/bite 1d8 (+ Save vs Paralysis from bite); save vs Fear on appearance
Golem, Wood
17+1d6, AV3, AR2, SPD 2, Saving Throw 12+ (14+ vs fire), Damage: 1d8; -1 to initiative, +1 damage from fire, standard golem immunities
15+1d6, AV2, AR6, SPD 2, Saving Throw 13+, Damage: 1d6 (also Save vs Disease, die in 1d4 days); attacks Berethenu Knights as priority
9+1d6, AV1, AR3 (1d10+10 AP), SPD 3, Saving Throw 15+, Damage: 1d6 (or by Weapon); mimics sounds as decoy
These are basic Mongrelfolk whose armour is a mixture of natural scales/hide and piecemeal worn armour.
These are basic Mongrelfolk whose armour is a mixture of natural scales/hide and piecemeal worn armour.
- GG'WOOF-NUB: 8hp
Neb'Enakhet (cat mummies)
11+1d6, AV2, AR2, SPD 2, Saving Throw 14+, Damage: 1 claw/1 claw/1d2 bite; group of 4+ keening causes save vs Fear; vulnerable to Minor Turning
Scion of Gaxx
20+1d6, AV3, AR1, SPD 3, Saving Throw 15+, Damage: 2d4; if hit, save vs Disease (lose 1.0 Stamina every month, no magical healing); 50% rot grub infestation; on appearance save vs Fear (40ft radius); vulnerable to Minor Turning
Scorpion, Giant
17+1d6, AV3, AR4, SPD 2, Saving Throw 13+, Damage: claw 1d6/claw 1d6/stinger 1d3 (+ Save vs Poison from stinger)
No shortage of Forge giant insects, but scorpions are iconic
No shortage of Forge giant insects, but scorpions are iconic
Skeleton, Exploding Bone
9+1d6, AV1, AR2, SPD 2, Saving Throw 15+, Damage: 1d6; explode at 0HP causing 1d4 damage within 5ft
Skeleton, Fossil
15+1d6, AV2, AR3 (2d6 AP), SPD 2, Saving Throw 14+, Damage: 1d8 (or Weapon)
Skeleton, Sapphire
15+1d6, AV2, AR3, SPD 2, Saving Throw 14+, Damage: 1d8 (or Weapon); reforms after 2 minutes unless jewel destroyed: AR7, 5HP, worth 100gp
Zombie, Ravenous
15+1d6, AV3, AR1, SPD 3, Saving Throw 15+, Damage: claw 1d4/claw 1d4; half damage from blunt weapons, converge on injured target