This selection of Monsters are drawn from Michael Curtis' creations for Stonehell: Down Night-Haunted Halls. They have been adapted for White Box RPG, which often involves reducing their Hit Dice and scaling back their attacks as well as simplifying their powers. Some creatures have been altered to reference the rules for Death & Dismemberment or Trauma & Derangement.
Armour Class: 3 [16]
Hit Dice: 4 Attacks: Strike Special: Drain vitality Move: 9/18 flying HDE/XP: 5/240 |
Agonies are the undead spirits of those judged unworthy by the Lady of Pain. They appear as translucent figures with faces wracked by pain. Their touch drains vitality; as well as taking damage, anyone struck by an Agony must save vs Death or lose a point of Charisma. Any creature reduced to zero Charisma is slain and cursed to rise as an Agony in 1d4 days. Agonies can only be harmed by magic or silver weapons and are immune to charm, hold and sleep spells. They are turned as Wraiths. Lost Charisma returns after 1d6 days but not entirely: one point is permanently lost.
Baboon, Higher
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1+1 Attacks: Bite or Club (1d6-1) Special: None Move: 12 HDE/XP: 1/15 |
These larger, more intelligent baboons like to hunt in packs for meat. They bite, but also may use sticks as clubs. Higher baboons are aggressive, and are easily stimulated to fight.
Bone Monkey: These creatures are the animated skeletal remains of Higher Baboons with 1+2 HD. They attack with ragged claws for 1d6. They are immune to sleep and charm and are turned as Zombies (HDE/XP: 2/30).
Plated Monkey: These creatures are Higher Baboons with body parts replaced by arcanitech. They attack with metal jaws or bladed limbs for 1d6+1 damage, their plating is AC 4 [15] and they have 3+1 HD but only Move 9. Two Plated Monkeys can spend a round to generate a lightning bolt for 3d6 damage. They were originally created to store spells and 5% will have a random 1st-3rd level Magic-User spell they can cast once. They are not undead (HDE/XP: 4/120).
Bone Thing
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 1+3 Attacks: Fists (1d6+2) Special: Undead Move: 12 HDE/XP: 2/30 |
Bone Things are asymmetric conglomerations of bone fragments that take vaguely humanoid shape. They attack with a flurry of splintered bony fists. This attack deals 1d6+2 damage. As Undead, they are immune to sleep and charm and are turned as Zombies.
Crypt Shade
Armour Class: 9 [10]
Hit Dice: 1+1 Attacks: Debris Special: Trauma Move: 9 HDE/XP: 2/30 |
Crypt Shades are animated grave shrouds that spew dust, dirt and bone fragments. They attack by engulfing targets in a cloud of grave dirt and debris. This attack deals 1d6 damage and the victim gains a point of Trauma as the spirit feeds on the victim’s fear and pain. As Undead, they are immune to sleep and charm and are turned as Zombies.
Doom Lure
Armour Class: 8 [11]
Hit Dice: 1 Attacks: Scream Special: Undead Move: 12 HDE/XP: 2/30 |
Doom Lures are spirits birthed by intense negative emotion that appear to be living beings although they cannot speak. They lure adventurers into emotionally stressful encounters (combat, traps, becoming lost). Players have a 1 in6 chance of noticing a flaw in the Doom Lure’s charade. If cornered they attack with a psychic shriek that affects everyone within 20’ whereupon they dissipate. The shriek causes 1d6 damage and adds 1d6 Trauma, with Breakdowns/Derangements matching the negative emotion that created the spirit (pain, fear, despair, anger, bliss).
Armour Class: 6 [14]
Hit Dice: 2 Attacks: Weapon (1d6-1) Special: Bomb Move: 12 HDE/XP: 2/30 |
Eumyfolk are 4' tall humanoid mushrooms with a primitive level of civilisation. They look endearing but are fiercely territorial. In each group of Eumyfolk, one will carry a grenade of herbal concoctions nd a 10' base missile range: one sort contains soporific spores (treat as a sleep spell) and the other a fast-hardening sap (treat as web spell).
Inmates (Neanderthals)
Armour Class: 8 [12]
Hit Dice: 1+1 Attacks: Weapon Special: None Move: 12 HDE/XP: 1/15 |
The insane descendants of the Stonehell Asylum's original patients dress in ragged clothes and carry cast-off weapons and armour. Their disorders range from catatonia to blood-lust and they are always unpredictable.
Iron Lady (Pain's Handmaiden)
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 5 Attacks: Strike or Whip Special: Pain Move: 9 HDE/XP: 6/480 |
Pain's Handmaidens are magical constructs similar to golems or animated statues. A Handmaiden is an animated suit of armour with feminine features and adorned with spikes. They attack with either their spiked gauntlets or their 10ft long whips with many lashes. The whips do no damage but if they hit the victim must save vs Paralysis or be wracked with pain, incapable of attacking or casting spells and moving at half speed for 1d6 rounds. The gauntlets deal 1d6 damage and cause the Handmaiden to regenerate 1d6-1Hit Points. Iron Ladies can only be harmed by magic weapons and are immune to charm, hold and sleep spells. They are turned as Spectres.
Killer Sword Fern
Armour Class: 8 [11]
Hit Dice: 1+3 Attacks: Fronds (1d6+1) Special: Acidic sap Move: 9 HDE/XP: 2/30 |
These 5ft tall mobile ferns cause wounds with their hard, razor-sharp fronds. If they are damaged by an edged melee weapon that is not a pole arm, the attacker must save vs Dragon Breath or take 1d6-1 damage from the splatter of acidic sap.
Mountain Troll
Armour Class: 3 [16]
Hit Dice: 6 Attacks: Claw or Weapon Special: 1d6+2 Move: 12 HDE/XP: 7/600 |
Mountain Trolls are 9' tall brutes, dim-witted but gifted crafters. They are fey monsters who covet gold and silver, which they mine using slaves from the surface. They do not regenerate but their head reduces all damage from non-magical weapons by -2. If exposed to sunlight they must save vs Petrification or turn to stone then crumble to rubble. They hate the sound of bells and must save vs Spells or (50%) flee for 1d6 turns or (50%) attack the bell-ringer.
Each Mountain Troll can cast either polymorph or transform stone-flesh once a day so long as they know the target's name. They are cunning enough to pretend to be peaceful until adventurers have named themselves. Anyone transformed by a Mountain Troll is turned back if the Troll dies or fails to save vs bells. A tribe of Mountain Trolls is ruled by a Jarl (11' tall, 7 HD, AC 2 [17], 800XP) who is served by Troll Maids (4 HD, AC 5 [14], 240XP). Multiple Heads: These rare Mountain Trolls have heads in multiples of three: for each three heads, the Mountain Troll has an extra HD, grows an extra 1' and saves at -1 vs bell-ringing (so a 12-headed Mountain Troll has 10HD, is 13' tall and saves at -4). HDE/XP 8/800, 9/1,100, 10/1,400, 11/1,700, 12/2,000
Mountain Troll Hag
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 5 Attacks: Claw or Weapon Special: 1d6+2 Move: 12 HDE/XP: 6/400 |
When Mountain Troll Maids come of age, they become Hags. Hags have exceptionally long noses which must often be tucked into belts to prevent the Hag tripping on them. They are smarter and less gullible than the males. They suffer the same effects from sunlight and bells as other Mountain Trolls but they are immune to fire (as a ring of fire resistance) and can choose between polymorph or transform flesh-stone each day.
Elderly Hags often find it convenient to remove their heads and carry them. They can direct their bodies out of view (but suffer -2 To Hit and saving throws). A Hag's body always knows where her head is. These Hags cast spells as a 5th level Magic User: they have 5 spells a day, usually from (d12): 1 charm person, 2 hold portal, 3 sleep, 4 detect invisibility, 5 detect thoughts (ESP), 6 invisibility, 7 phantasmal force, 8 crystal ball, 9 dispel magic, 10 fireball, 11 fly and 12 hold person. |
Armour Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: Roots or Bite Special: Constrict Move: - HDE/XP: 4/120 |
Octoplants resemble overgrown cabbages with yellow, sweet-smelling berries. They have 8 thick roots under the soil that they use as tentacles. If a root hits a target it constricts, doing 1d4 damage each successive round and imposes -2 on all the target's attacks. The roots can be severed if 5 HP of damage are dealt to one in a single blow. Victims caught by a root can be bitten by the octoplant's sharp, beak-like mouth.
Petard Palm
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 4 Attacks: 1d3 grenades Special: Explosions Move: - HDE/XP: 5/240 |
These monsters are 7' tall palms with fronds bearing pine needles and melon-sized fruits. The monster can throw these fruits 20ft (short range), 40ft (medium) or 60ft (long rtange) or drop them on creatures below. If they hit, the fruits explode, doing 1d6 damage to everyone within 5' who fails to save vs Dragon Breath. Each petard palm bears 1d10+2 fruits and they may be salvaged and used as weapons. However, if the carrier of a fruit takes damage from combat or falling, the fruits have a 50% chance of exploding.
Armour Class: 9 [10]
Hit Dice: 1+1 Attacks: Hurled objects (1d6-1) Special: Invisible Move: 6 HDE/XP: 2/30 |
These 'noisy ghosts' are the lingering spirits of those who died in anger or madness. They are invisible so opponents suffer -4 on rolls to hit them. They take half-damage from normal weapons but normal damage from silver or magical weapons or holy water. They attack by hurling small objects for 1d6-1 damage. Poltergeists are undead, immune to sleep and charm and are turned as zombies.
Armour Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: Bite Special: Poison, Spells Move: 15/12 in web HDE/XP: 5/240 |
Spellspiders are intelligent and magical arachnids the size of mules. Their foremost legs end in prehensile digits that allow them to manipulate items and cast spells. They are both web-spinners and venomous. Each spellspider can cast 1d4 spells, which will be 1st level (usually charm person, protection from law, sleep) but always include one 2nd level spell (detect invisible, ESP, invisibility, phantasmal force, web). They often lay traps hoping to capture new magic items and spellbooks from victims. They can use any magic items usable by Magic-Users and cast spells as if they were 3rd level.
Spider, Giant Hound
Armour Class: 8 [11]
Hit Dice: 1+3 Attacks: Bite Special: None Move: 12 HDE/XP: 1/15 |
These grey-black spiders are not venomous and do not spin webs. Instead they hunt in packs, like dogs, whom they resemble in size.
Strolling Nettles
Armour Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: Thorns Special: - Move: 12 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
These semi-intelligent briar patches are the size of dogs and very territorial. They attack their victims with a cluster of sharp thorns. Fire inflicts double damage on them and forces them to flee when they are injured by it.
Sump Thing
Armour Class: 2 [17]
Hit Dice: 4 Attacks: Fists (1d6+1) Special: - Move: 6/ HDE/XP: 5/240 |
These shuffling piles of rotting vegetable matter have humanoid forms and attack with bludgeoning fists. They are immune to fire but cold spells affect them as slow time. They only take 1 point of damage from blunt weapons and half from edged ones but magic weapons deal normal damage. Rare sump things (5%) retain the intellect of beings that they feed upon and may know spells.
Thing in the Pool
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: Bite Special: Drowning Move: 2/9 swimming HDE/XP: 5/240 |
This toad-like creature is composed of water and forms on the surface of a pool 2 rounds after the party approaches within 10'. It attacks targets within 10' of the water who take 1 point of damage and must save vs Paralysation or be dragged underwater, taking a point of damage per round saving again each round to prevent falling unconscious. Unconscious characters drown in 3 rounds. The Thing ignores other targets until its victim is dead but may be attacked by other characters in the pool at -4 To Hit; sharp weapons only do 1 point of damage to the Thing but blunt weapons do normal damage; cold affects it as slow time but fire does half or no damage. If reduced to 0 HP it reforms in 1d4 rounds but it is killed by purify water or a potion of sweet water.
Toad, Giant
Armour Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 2+1 Attacks: Bite Special: Surprise, Tongue & Swallow Move: 9 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
These immense toads can grow to weigh up to 250 lbs. They alter the colour of their warty hides to match the dim dungeons or dark forests they frequent. For this reason they will surprise a victim on a surprise check roll of 1-3 on 1d6. Giant toads have 15' long tongues which can catch and drag a small creature (Dwarf-sized or smaller) towards them for a bite attack at +2 to hit. On a natural 20 they swallow small targets whole. Swallowed victims take 1d6 damage every round.
Giant Venomous Toad: These Toads have a venomous bite; the target must save vs Poison or take 1d6 extra damage. The venom from one Toad is worth 50gp to apothecaries and assassins (HDE/XP 4/120).
Mesmetoad: These Toads have wide, staring eyes that mesmerise victims who must save vs Paralysis or stand hypnotised until shaken awake by an ally; surprised victims automatically meet the Toad's stare and get no save. Characters fight a Mesmetoad at -4 if they look away and the monster attacks at +2. Mesmetoads can by hypnotised by their own reflected gaze. (HDE/XP 4/120).
Vampiric Achene
Armour Class: 8 [11]
Hit Dice: 2+2 Attacks: Blood Drain Special: Drain every round Move: 6 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
These seeds resemble 2ft diameter balls of dandelion fluff bouncing in the air. They home in on living targets and drain 1d6 HP of blood and attach themselves to the victim, draining blood each turn, turning blood-red, until they have drained 15 HP. Then they fall to the ground, growing into a giant red dandelion and scattering more achenes. The seeds take double damage from fire.