This selection of Monsters are drawn from Eldritch Wizardry (1976), although the Mind Flayer first appeared in Strategic Review (1975).
Balor Demon
Armour Class: 2 [17]
Hit Dice: 9 Attacks: Sword/Whip (2d6) Special: Spell immunity, psionics Move: 6/15 HDE/XP: 10/1,400 |
These demons are described in White Box, p85. They are also deadly psionicists. Their Talents include causing fear, telekinese up to 600lbs and detect invisible creatures/objects. Their Science is to spread darkness at will that only they can see through. They have attack modes A, B, C and E (all except Id Insinuation) and defense modes F, G and H (Mind Blank, Thought Shield and Mental Barriers) and they roll a d10 Stress Die.
Brain Mole
Armour Class: 9 [10]
Hit Dice: 1/2 Attacks: None Special: Mind burrowing Move: 1 HDE/XP: 1/10 |
These rodent-like creatures inhabit most places above and below ground. They are attracted by psionic activity and if they come within 30ft of a psionicist they will feed by psionically burrowing; this has the effect of a Mind Thrust attack every round. The only way to escape the attack is to kill the brain mole or to escape from its range. They cannot be attacked psionically except by Psionic Blast.
Cerebral Parasite
Armour Class: -
Hit Dice: - Attacks: - Special: Parasite Move: - HDE/XP: - |
These creatures are not visible to the human eye and can only be detected psionically by means of careful examination of a person's aura. They can be removed by cure disease. If a psionically endowed creature comes within 10ft of cerebral parasites, they will infect him, but the attack will be completely unnoted. Whenever psionic abilities, including attacks/defenses, are used, each parasites will add 1 Psionic Stress as they feed. They cannot be psionically attacked but can be starved to death if the infected character refrains from Psionic activity for a month.
Grey Ooze
Armour Class: 8 [11]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: Strike Special: Corrode, Psionic attack Move: 1 HDE/XP: 6/480 |
Grey Oozes are described in White Box, p98. Exceptionally large Oozes (15-18 Hit Points) can have dim Psionic potential. They can detect the use of Psionic powers within 60ft and deliver a single Psychic Crush attack. After loosing its psionic attack the grey ooze is psionically helpless for several hours; however, it cannot be psionically attacked.
Intellect Devourer
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 6 Attacks: Claws Special: Psionic attack Move: 15 HDE/XP: 7/600 |
These monsters are fairly intelligent and highly malign. They have no apparent head, being merely a ball-like body of sooty black poised upon four legs. They subsist on the psychic energy of their prey —whether gained from the dying shriek or by more subtle means. If psionic powers are in use within 60ft, they will stalk the user, seeking a time to attack him alone and by surprise (on a roll of 1-5). The monster then leaps upon his victim, tearing with his claws and psionically attacking with Ego Whip or Id Insinuation. The devourer then houses itself within the victim's body, assuming the identity of the psionicist. Normal weapons and most spells have no effect upon these monsters. Magical weapons cause 1 point of damage when they hit. Bright light will drive them off. and a protection from chaos will keep them at a distance. Fireballs serve only as a bright light, but lightning bolts will cause them pain and some small damage (1 point per die). A death spell will slay them. They can be psionically attacked, and their Psionic Stress Die of 1d6 makes this not too difficult. However, if seriously threatened they will flee.
Mind Flayer
Armour Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 8+1 Attacks: Tentacles Special: Mind Blast Move: 12 HDE/XP: 10/1,400 |
These are super-intelligent, man-shaped creatures of great evil. Their heads resemble an octopus with four tentacles. If a tentacle hits, it penetrates to the brain in 1d4 rounds, killing the victim. The mind flayer will immediately retreat if an encounter is going against it. These monsters save vs Spells at +5. They are psionically endowed, however, having 1d6+1 Talents. Their only psionic attack is the mind blast, a special Psionic Blast with a 60ft directional range and a 5ft path. Psionics must be hit in Psionic Combat but non-psionics have no defence; targets must roll under their Intelligence on d20 or they will suffer an effect rolled on 1d6: (1) death, (2) coma for 3 days, (3) stunned for 1 hour, (4) confused for 3 turns, (5) feebleminded or (6) insanity. Mind Flayers have several defense modes (1d4), and a 1d12 Psionic Stress Die. They speak only their own arcane language and several other strange tongues purportedly those of terrible races which inhabit regions far beneath the ground.
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 6 Attacks: Bite (1d6-1) Special: Charm, psionic attack Move: 12/15 flying HDE/XP: 6/400 |
This female Demon is described in White Box, p85. They also have psionic powers and a 1d10 Stress Die. They only attack with Id Insinuation but have Thought Shield and Intellect Fortress to defend themselves. Their charm ability is a Psionic Talent rather than a magical effect and is effective on Elves for this reason. Their other Talents include ESP, and shapechanging and they can open a gate for a more powerful demon as their Science but other demons only respond 40% of the time.
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 9+1 Attacks: Strike Special: Psionic attack Move: 12/24 flying HDE/XP: 10/1,400 |
Shedu are somewhat similar in appearance to their magical cousins, the lammasu, being human-headed winged creatures with bull-like bodies who watch over and protect those of mankind who serve Law. Shedu have Psionic Potential with 1d4 Disciplines each with 1d4 Talents, with attack and defense modes according to their Disciplines. Their Talents focus on healing, protection and travel through the astral and ethereal planes. Their Psionic Stress Die is a d6. They speak all human tongues but prefer to communicate telepathically.
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 4+1 Attacks: Bite Special: Psionic attack Move: 9 HDE/XP: 4/120 |
These evil things are found both underground and outdoors. Their bodies resemble hoinds with the heads of gorillas. All four feet are prehensile and armed with sharp nails. Su-monsters are at home upright or hanging upside down — the latter being one of their favorite methods of lurking for prey. Su-monsters have a latent psionic ability which enables them to deliver a random psionic attack once per day if psionic activity is being used within 120ft of them; roll a d8: 1-2 = psychic crush, 2-4 = psionic blast, 5-6 = mind thrust. Psionic defense is not necessary as the Su-monster is not itself subject to psionic attack.
Thought Eater
Armour Class: 9 [10]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: None Special: Drain mind, ethereal Move: 6 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
These monsters are unintelligent dwellers in the ether. Their senses extend into the physical plane and any psionic energy will attract their attention. The thought eater appears to be a sickly grey, skeletal-bodied, platypus. It can be perceived and attacked only by ethereal creatures. If it comes within 60ft of any creature, it will be able to absorb their mental energy. Each round it drains any Talent or spell they use; at a range of 10ft the thought eater drains points of Intelligence even from non-psionic and Intelligence-loss in permanent. The Intellect Fortress, Tower of Iron Will and the mind blank spell thwarts attacks of these horrid things.
Yellow Mold
Armour Class: -
Hit Dice: - Attacks: None Special: Spores, Id Insinuation Move: 0 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
Yellow Mold is described in the White Box rules, p120. When formed into great colonies, this growth will form a collective,intelligence about 1 time in 6. If this should happen, the yellow mold will be aware mentally and
psionically. It will attack by spore cloud if it senses the presence of other life forms up to 1d6 x 10ft away or psionically if such abilities are used within 2d6 x10ft. Its only psionic attack mode is Id Insinuation and it cannot be counter-attacked unless the psionicist has a Talent to communicate with plants. Otherwise, the yellow mold must be physically attacked and destroyed. The colony has sufficient power to make 1d10 psionic attacks and then must rest 1d4 days to regain this power. |