This selection of Monsters are drawn from Labyrinth Lord (essentially, Basic D&D BX). They have been adapted for White Box RPG, which often involves reducing their Hit Dice and scaling back their attacks as well as simplifying their powers. Some creatures have been altered to reference the rules for Death & Dismemberment or Trauma & Derangement.
Albino Ape
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 3+3 Attacks: Claw Special: Throw rocks Move: 12 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
Albino apes are adapted to living in a subterranean environment, only venturing to the surface to forage for food at night. As such, they have lost all pigment. Albino apes will vocalize and act aggressive if other creatures come near their lair, and may attack. In addition to claw attacks, albino apes can throw rocks for 1d6 hit points of damage per round.
Animated Statue
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 3, 4 or 5 Attacks: Fist (1d6+1) Special: Varies Move: 9, 6 or 3 HDE/XP: 3/60, 5/240 or 6/480 |
Animated statues are given life by powerful magic-users. These statues may be used to guard locations. Animate statues are immune to the effects of sleep spells.
Crystal Animated Statue: 3 HD Animated Statues are composed of crystals, often quartz.
Iron Animated Statue: 4 HD Animated Statues are made of iron and when metal weapons strike an animate iron statue the attacker must succeed in a saving throw versus Spells or the weapon becomes lodged in the statue, and can only be retrieved by killing the statue.
Stone Animated Statue: 5 HD animated statues are made of stone and the statue projects lava through the tips of its fingers to inflict 2d6 points of burning damage.
Baboon, Higher
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1+1 Attacks: Bite or Club (1d6-1) Special: None Move: 12 HDE/XP: 1/15 |
These larger, more intelligent baboons like to hunt in packs for meat. They bite, but also may use sticks as clubs. Higher baboons are aggressive, and are easily stimulated to fight.
Bat, Giant
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1+1 Attacks: Bite (1d6-1) Special: Echolocation Move: 3/18 flying HDE/XP: 2/30 |
Giant Bats are larger than normal bats and are fierce carnivores. They are able to navigate with a refined use of sound, or echo location. Nothing that would normally blind an opponent will affect bats and they can detect invisible or hidden opponents.
Giant Vampire Bat: 5% of Giant Bats also vampiric and their bite causes paralysis for 1d6 rounds if a saving throw versus Paralyze is not rolled successfully. The vampiric bat will feed on a paralyzed victim, dealing 1d6-1hit points of damage per round. An opponent killed by this attack might rise again as a vampire one day after his death.
Bear, Black
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 4 Attacks: Claw Special: Hug Move: 12 HDE/XP: 5/240 |
A black bear averages 6' tall, has black fur, and eats a variety of fruits and other foliage more frequently than meat. Though they will give their lives in defense of their cubs, black bears do not usually engage in combat unless they are forced to. If a Black Bear hits with its Claw on two consecutive rounds it will deliver a crushing hug: roll a Torso Injury on Death & Dismemberment with a Lethality of 1d6 + previous injuries.
Bee, Giant Killer
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1/2 Attacks: Sting (1d6-1) Special: Poison Move: 15 HDE/XP: 1/15 |
These insects are a foot long and will attack any creature they encounter, especially if it is near their hive. Their sting kills unless the victim makes a saving throw versus poison. A stinger breaks off inside the victim, causing 1 hp of damage per round until the stinger is removed, which takes a round. The bee dies after stinging successfully. A queen is guarded by 10 giant killer bees. Some of this number (3+1d6) will be soldiers with 1 HD (HDE 2/30) and the queen has 2 HD (HDE 3/60) and stings multiple times, because her stinger does not break off with a successful attack.
Beetle, Giant Spitting
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 2 Attacks: Bite Special: Toxic Spray Move: 12 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
These 3' long beetles have horn-like jaws that inflict damage, in addition to a toxic spray that can squirt an opponent within 5' with a toxic fluid that causes blisters. This makes the target suffer a –2 penalty to hit rolls for 1 day, or until the spell cure light wounds is used. These beetles can be found above and below ground.
Fly, Giant Carnivorous
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1 Attacks: Mandibles Special: Surprise Move: 9/18 flying HDE/XP: 2/30 |
The dreaded giant carnivorous fly is 3' long. The giant carnivorous fly preys upon killer bees, and is immune to their poisonous sting. However, they also prey upon animals and humanoids. These giant flies skulk in shadows, waiting for victims, and surprise on 1-4 on 1d6.
These carnivorous flies sometimes jump to a distance of 30' to attack. They attack by biting victims with their formidable mandibles. |
Insect Swarm
Armour Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 1-3 Attacks: Stinging (1 HP) Special: Swarm Move: 3/9 flying HDE/XP: 2/30 |
An insect swarm is a large swarm of small insects, such as bees, ants, wasps and spiders. Characters may become engulfed in a 10’x30’ cloud of insects. A swarm does not need to roll to hit, and inflicts 1 HP of damage to all targets. Double damage is dealt to characters wearing no armour and all characters gain 1 Trauma from the first attack. Weapons do minimal damage against the Swarm but torches deal 1d6 damage. A character who flees the Swarm will continue taking damage for 3 rounds but the Swarm will not pursue.
Lizard, Giant Gecko
Armour Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: Bite Special: None Move: 12 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
The nocturnal giant gecko has a length of 5'. Giant geckos, like their smaller cousins, are adept at walking sheer cliffs, and even upside down. This ability allows them to spring upon unwary prey from above.
Locust, Giant Subterranean
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 1 Attacks: Slam (1d6-1) Special: Spit. Shriek Move: 6/18 flying HDE/XP: 2/30 |
These giant (2-3’ long) insects will leap up to 60’ away in a random direction, battering targets in their path for 1d6-1 damage. If attacked, they emit a high-pitched shriek that necessitates a wandering monster check. If forced into combat they spit up to 10’ distance, attacking AC 9 [10]. If struck, a target must save vs Poison or be incapacitated by nausea for 1d6 rounds (and gains a Trauma).
Mountain Lion
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: Claw (1d6+1) Special: None Move: 15 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
These large cats are light brown and blend in well in their preferred habitat, which includes mountains and high grassy meadows. However, they may be found in nearly any habitat. These big cats will occasionally be found in dungeons.
Scorpion, Giant
Armour Class: 3 [17]
Hit Dice: 4 Attacks: Pincers (1d6+1) Special: Stinger Move: 15 HDE/XP: 5/240 |
These aggressive giant cousins to scorpions are about 6ft long. Any time that a claw successfully strikes, the scorpion attacks with its stinger at +2 and, if stung, a victim needs to succeed at a saving throw versus Poison or die. Giant scorpions can be found in labyrinths, rock shelters, ruins, and hot environments.
Shrew, Giant
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 4 Attacks: Bite (1d6+1) Special: Echo-location Move: 6 HDE/XP: 4/120 |
Giant shrews are rodents, and in some ways resemble giant rats with slightly longer snouts. Giant shrews are able to echolocate like bats, by emitting small squeaks. With this kind of 'vision' they are able to see 60' and detect invisible or hidden opponents. A deafened (and thus blinded) giant shrew has an effective AC of 8 [11] and suffers a –4 penalty to attack rolls.
Snake, Giant Python
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 5 Attacks: Bite Special: Constrict Move: 9 HDE/XP: 6/400 |
The Giant Python is 20' long. It attacks first with a bite, and on a successful hit it captures a target in its coils and constricts on the next round unless the victim makes a saving throw versus Paralysis. This constriction causes an injury to the arms or torso: roll 1d6 for Lethality plus previous Injuries.
Snake, Giant Rattler
Armour Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 4 Attacks: Bite Special: Poison, Speed Move: 12 HDE/XP: 5/240 |
These snakes are extremely quick, and bite twice per round: at the beginning of the round, and at the end of the round. The bite is venomous, and a victim must succeed in a saving throw versus poison, or die 1d6 turns later. The giant rattlesnake is 10' long, carnivorous, and will hunt large mammals.
Snake, Pit Viper
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1+1 Attacks: Bite (1d6-1) Special: Poison, Speed Move: 6 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
This grey-green snake is 5’ long, and the pits on its head are able to sense heat to a distance of 60’. Pit vipers are extremely fast, and will automatically have initiative every round. They have a venomous bite that requires a successful saving throw versus poison, or the victim dies immediately.
Snake, Spitting Cobra
Armour Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 1 Attacks: Bite (1d6-1) Special: Poison, Spit Move: 6 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
Like most snakes, the 3' long spitting cobra avoids conflict. However, if it is threatened it will rear up and emit poisonous spittle. A victim is entitled to a saving throw versus Poison, and failure indicates the opponent is blinded. The spell cure blindness will reverse the effects. The bite of the cobra deals 1d6-1 hit points of damage, and is venomous. A victim must succeed in a saving throw versus Poison or be killed after 1d6 turns.
Spider, Giant Crab
Armour Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 2 Attacks: Bite Special: Poison, Surprise Move: 12 HDE/XP: 4/120 |
These 5’ long carnivorous spiders do not weave webs, but crawl upon vertical surfaces and ceilings to pounce upon prey. They are able to surprise opponents on a surprise check roll of 1-4 on 1d6, due to their ability to change colours to match the environment. The bite is venomous, and a victim will die in 1d4 turns unless a saving throw versus poison is made at +2.
Thoul / Throghrin
Armour Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: Claw Special: Paralysis, Regeneration Move: 12 HDE/XP: 4/120 |
A Thoul (also known as a Throghrin) appears to be a hobgoblin at first glance, but these monsters are a wicked, unseelie fey hybrid of troll, hobgoblin, and ghoul. They have an affinity for the company of hobgoblins, and are occasionally employed as bodyguards to a hobgoblin king. They have the same paralyzing touch as a ghoul, and can regenerate as a Troll 1 hp per round. Hit points are gained at the start of each combat round. As fey creatures, they can be turned by Danaan Clerics as 3 HD monsters (Wights).
Tick, Giant
Armour Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 3 Attacks: Bite Special: Drain Blood, Disease Move: 3 HDE/XP: 4/120 |
These giant insects feast on warm blood. When the Tick hits in combat it deals no damage but at the start of every following round it drains blood, dealing 1d6-1 damage. Applying fire to the Tick forces it to release its bite. Victims who are bitten have a 25% chance of contracting a blood disease that is fatal in 1d6+1 days.
Toad, Giant
Armour Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 2+1 Attacks: Bite Special: Surprise, Tongue & Swallow Move: 9 HDE/XP: 3/60 |
These immense toads can grow to weigh up to 250 lbs. They alter the colour of their warty hides to match the dim dungeons or dark forests they frequent. For this reason they will surprise a victim on a surprise check roll of 1-3 on 1d6. Giant toads have 15' long tongues which can catch and drag a small creature (Dwarf-sized or smaller) towards them for a bite attack at +2 to hit. On a natural 20 they swallow small targets whole. Swallowed victims take 1d6 damage every round.