Szymon Piecha introduces Feats for White Box in his Expanded Lore. Characters gain a Feat every time they reach an odd-numbered level (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc). In addition, Humans can choose a Feat at 1st level too as well as a Trauma-Feat. Feats can be General or Class-specific and I also introduce some new Feats for Magic-User Familiars.
General Feats
These Feats are described in Expanded Lore:
- Careful: Listening, finding secret doors and finding traps range of success is increased by 1
- Gifted: Increase one chosen attribute by +2 (may be selected multiple times but not for the same attribute)
- Leadership: +2 to maximum specialists you can hire
- Linguistics: You learn a new language (may be chosen multiple times)
- Psionic Potential: Gives access to Psionic Feats (below)
- Quick Learner: +10% XP bonus
- Tough: +1 to all melee damage and open doors range of success increased by 1
New General Feats
These Feats are based on the new Death & Dismemberment rules:
- Healing Hands: When you apply First Aid to a Wound, the patient saves at +4.
- Magi-chanical Limb: You have an artificial limb that replaces a severed limb, allowing you to hold weapons or shields or walk/run unassisted
- Stout Defender: Roll a d8 for your Injury tests (if you already roll a d8 - such as Dwarves - roll a d10 instead)
- Tough As Old Boots: Once a day you can declare one Injury to be temporary when you receive it; it heals after an hour
- Unstoppable Fury: You are not K.O.ed by a Wound (although you will still die within 3 rounds if you do not receive First Aid)
These Feats are based on the new Trauma & Derangement rules and Human characters start with one for free.
- Guiding Light: You always count as receiving Spiritual Comfort and can heal Derangements with ordinary rest.
- Hardened to Horror: You are unaffected by one source of Trauma that you choose when acquiring this Feat.
- Homeless Heart: Even in a Safe Haven, you will never retire.
- Iron Will: Once per day, you can ignore the effect of a Breakdown or cancel the effect of a Derangement for one hour.
- Pain Magic: Once per day you can gain a point of Trauma and recall a 1st level spell that you have already cast
- Sunny Disposition: You can remove a point of Trauma if you enjoy a joke or a song or a beautiful spectacle, once per day.
- Wildling: You can use the Adrenaline Burst ability twice a day.
These Feats are based on the Psionic rules and are only available if you have taken Psionic Potential.
- Discipline - Psychokinesis
- Discipline - Psychometabolism
- Discipline - Psychoportation
- Discipline - Telesentience
- Multi-task: You can concentrate on two powers at the same time and do not lose concentration during Psionic Combat
- Train the Mind: Gain a Psionic Science based on a Talent you already have
- Untap the Mind: Increase your Stress Die from 1d6 to 1d8; you may take this up to two more times to increase the die to 1d10 and 1d12
In addition to the General Feats, players can choose from Feats based on the character's class.
Assassin Feats
- Apothecary: You can concoct your own Poisons and start each game with 1d6 ready. You Poisons can paralyse for a Turn or kill over 1d6 days rather than killing immediately. You can make antidotes to your own Poisons.
- Deadly Traps: Your Traps deal a number of six-sided dice in damage equal to your Assassinate score.
- Master of Disguise: You can spend 1d6 rounds disguising yourself to appear as any class, gender or race of your approximate build. If onlookers try to see through your disguise, use your Assassinate skill to fool them.
- Rogue: Choose a Thief Feat in exchange for losing 2 points of Charisma. (May be selected multiple times)
- Sniper: You gain your Backstab bonus when striking unseen in missile combat; you can assassinate using missiles.
- Strangler: You can use your Assassinate ability to kill with your bare hands. If you succeed in your plot, you can roll to hit at +2 and instead of doing damage, you can throttle the target to death but this takes 1d6 rounds, during which time they are helpless to attack or cast spells.
- Toxin Resistance: You dose yourself with Poison to build up a resistance and re-roll failed saving throws, taking the best result.
Barbarian Feats
- Armoured Barbarian: You can wear leather armour; you may choose this Feat a second time to wear chain mail armour
- Blade Venom: You can coat weapons or arrows in a toxin that causes an enemy who takes damage from it to save vs Poison or take 1d6-1 extra damage; you can envenom a number of weapons equal to your Instinct and each envenomed weapon has one use per adventure
- Camouflage: You may use your Instincts ability to hide from sight in Wilderness settings
- Frenzy: You gain +4 To Hit with your First-attack Frenzy
- Hunter: You may use your Instincts skill to follow a trail in Wilderness settings (but not in dungeons)
- Traditional Enemy: Choose a non-magical monster type (e.g. Bandits, Giants, Orcs, Wolves) against whom you gain +1 To Hit and damage
- Trophy: Gain 1d6 Hit Points after victory in battle
Bard Feats
- Charming: While trying to charm creatures, you are treated as a bard of one level higher.
- Golden Tongue: You learn a new language, and you may also choose obscure languages, like draconic, demonic, ancient...
- Light Step: You activate traps only when the Referee rolls 1 on a d6. Your AC also improves by -1 [+1].
- Simple Counter-Spells: +3 to Saving Throws vs. Magic.
- Fencer: When you attack with a sword, you may add a +2 To-Hit bonus to your attack. If you don't – you improve your AC by -2 [+2] until your next turn.
- Wise: Increase your Lore by 1.
Cleric Feats
- Conversion: You may forget any prepared spell and cast cure/cause light wounds instead.
- Fearless: You are immune to fear.
- Holy Aura: All damage you receive is reduced by 2.
- Spell Specialization: Choose one spell up to level three from your list that you know. You may cast that spell once per day for free.
- Stronger Turning: While turning undead you are treated as a cleric of one level higher.
- Talent: You can prepare one extra first level spell.
Danaan Clerics:
- Druidic Lore: You may cast one 1st level Druid spell per day in addition to your Clerical spells.
- Fae Heart: Your Heart Companion may be a Fey creature (unicorn, faerie dragon, etc.) with the power of invisibility once a day.
- Godly Weapon: When attacking with your Spear or Scimitar (choose which), you receive +2 to hit.
- Herbalist: When binding wounds you may restore up to 1d6+1 HP; when you apply First Aid to a patient with a Fatal Wound, they save at +2.
- Stargazer: Once per night, you may use the Lore ability of a Bard of your level.
Demonist Feats
- Abjuration: you can cast detect law/chaos and protection from law/chaos once a day each; if you choose this a second time you can also cast dispel law/chaos once a day
- Augury: Increase your Omens rating by 1
- Demon Tongue: invoked creatures do not suffer the -2 Reaction penalty when dealing with you
- Focus: The Demonist's weapon becomes the Focus for invoking, binding and reading Omens and the Demonist cannot use these powers without it. It takes a week to consecrate a new Focus. The weapon gains +1 To Hit and damage and is treated as a magic weapon. If it is a magic weapon, it's To Hit Bonus is added to rolls on the Binding Table.
- Soul Shield: The Demonist gains +2 on all saving throws against mind control and cannot be possessed
- Spirit Sight: The Demonist can detect disembodied spirits or creatures possessed by a spirit
- Uncanny Luck: Your rolls of natural-19 count as natural-20
- Word of Binding: You bind spirits as if you were one level higher
Detective Feats
- Arcane Senses: Your Deduction power can be used to attempt to spot invisible or magically disguised objects or creatures (including illusions and polymorphs).
- Elementary Insight: Add +1 to your Deduction score.
- Escapology: You can escape from rope bonds in a 10-minute turn if left alone or 1d6 turns if guarded. You can use a Deduction roll to try to escape from chains, manacles, bilboes, stocks and other more solid bindings.
- Martial Arts: You deal 1d6+1 damage when fighting unarmed and your bare-handed attacks count as if they were magic weapons.
- Master (or Mistress) of Disguise: You can spend 1d6 rounds disguising yourself to appear as any class, gender or race of your approximate build. If onlookers try to see through your disguise, use your Deduction skill to fool them.
- Nemesis: Choose one particular enemy that you hunt. You are immune to its signature power. This could include the charm powers of Succubi, blinding beauty of Sidhe, the level-draining of Vampires or lycanthropy from Werewolves.
- Sage: You have a broad area of knowledge (e.g. plants) in which you are an expert and a narrower area of specialism (e.g. fungi) in which you are unrivaled. You may select this Feat multiple times to extend your knowledge.
Druid Feats
- Beast: +2 to damage while in your big animal form.
- Body Alchemy: +2 to Saving Throws vs. Poisons and Diseases.
- Many Forms: You can choose an additional animal form (small or large)
- Natural Armor: Your AC is improved by -2 [+2] when standing in tall grass, trees or water.
- Spell Specialization: Choose one spell up to level three from your list that you know. You may cast that spell once per day for free.
- Staff Fighter: +1 to damage and To-Hit when fighting with a staff.
- Talent: You can prepare one extra first level spell.
Fighter Feats
- Cleave: You may perform another attack after killing an enemy.
- Dodge: AC increased by -1 [+1] and -2 [+2] vs missiles
- Eagle Eye: You always choose the target when firing a ranged weapon into melee.
- Iron Will: +2 to all Saving Throws.
- Persistence: Hit Points increased by 3. (May be chosen more than once)
- Weapon Specialist: Choose a weapon type (swords, axes, hammers...) and gain +1 To-Hit and Damage Bonus when using those. (May be chosen more than once)
Houri Feats
- Backstab: You can Backstab opponents you have Entranced, just like a Thief (gaining +2 to hit and rolling damage dice twice); this immediately ends the Entrancement.
- Bewitching: Your Fascination power functions as charm monster instead of charm person.
- Body Language: You can communicate with intelligent creatures without sharing a language, but only simple ideas, emotions and instructions can be conveyed.
- Master (or Mistress) of Disguise: You can spend 1d6 rounds disguising yourself to appear as any class, gender or race of your approximate build. If onlookers try to see through your disguise, use your Intrigue skill to fool them.
- Poisonous Kiss: You can apply contact poison to your lips or body, causing a victim you kiss or embrace either to be paralysed for 1d6 rounds or to take 1d6 damage if they fail to save vs Poison. Victims are only affected by the poison once, until you re-apply it the next day.
- Striking Appearance: Add +2 to the number of Hit Dice of people you can Entrance.
- Whispers: Add +1 to your Intrigue score.
Illusionist Feats
- Charming Mien: Your Glamour adds +2 to your Charisma
- Convincing Illusions: -4 to saving throws to disbelieve your illusions.
- Fatal Illusions: Your illusions cause actual damage: treat as Arcane Injuries and victims only recover half of the HP lost.
- Gesture Magic: You don’t need to speak in order to cast your spells.
- Illusory Armour: Your Glamour improves your AC by 2, although it vanishes for 1d6 rounds if it is disbelieved.
- Illusory Weapon: Your Glamour arms you with a weapon that is +1 To Hit and deals 1d6+1 damage although it vanishes for 1d6 rounds if it is disbelieved.
- Permanent Glamour: You can make an illusion permanent in exchange for gaining a permanent point of Trauma. If disbelieved, the illusion reforms in 1d6 turns. (May be selected multiple times)
- Talent: You can prep an extra first level spell.
Magic-User Feats
- Magic Aura: An invisible magic shield improves your AC by -2 [+2].
- Battle Mage: Add 1d6 to damage dealt by your spells.
- Gesture Magic: You don't need to speak while casting spells.
- Spell Specialization: Choose one spell up to level three from your list that you know. You may cast that spell once per day for free.
- Talent: You can prepare one extra first level spell.
- Vocal Magic: You don't need to move while casting spells.
Magic User Familiars:
- Esoteric Familiar: Your Familiar becomes an imp or quasit or perhaps a fey creature that can polymorph into any small creature or object and become invisible once a day,
- Illusory Familiar: Your Familiar becomes a creature of shadow or glamour; if it is killed you do not lose Intelligence and it reforms after a day
- Resilient Bond: You do not incur Trauma if your Familiar goes further than 30ft from you or dies
- Sensory Bond: You can see through your Familiar's eyes and hear through its ears. If you also take Tactical Ally this confers (defensive) immunity to Back Stabs or (offensive) +2 rather than +1 to hit.
- Sorcerous Apprentice: Your Familiar learns a 2nd level spell alongside its 1st level spell
- Tactical Ally: Your Familiar can position itself in combat to relay tactical information to you. If defensive, this prevents anyone from gaining bonuses from rear or flank attacks against you; if offensive, this gives you +1 to hit: choose either offensive or defensive tactics before rolling initiative
Street Mages:
- Gadgeteer: You can always choose which Legerdemain prop comes to hand without rolling.
- Grenadier: Your firecrackers deal 1d6+1 damage on a hit and 1d6 damage to bystanders within 5’.
- Mesmerist: With Legerdemain, you can hypnotise unwilling subjects and plant post-hypnotic suggestion (similar to Charm Person) or treat Derangements as if you provided Spiritual Comfort.
- Quack Doctor: Once a day, in a lab or kitchen, you can create a random potion that has a 50% chance of working when consumed. These potions lose their effectiveness within 24 hours.
- Urchins: You employ a gang of street urchins who grant you an extra City Downtime activity each week and a +1 bonus on City Random Encounters.
Monk Feats
- Exotic Fighter: +1 to damage and To-Hit while fighting with exotic weapons (nunchaku, meteor hammers, butterfly swords).
- Iron Knuckles: +1 to damage done by unarmed strikes. Your hands are also treated as a magical weapon.
- Nirvana: You restore 1d6 HP after each won battle.
- Slow Motion: +1 to Saving Throws while trying to dodge missiles. Your AC also improves by -1 [+1].
- Vital Strikes: Your first unarmed attack always targets the vital points of your enemy. Your opponent must make a saving throw vs Paralysis, if he or she was damaged – if it fails, he or she is paralyzed for 1d6 turns. [Alternative: no save and paralysed for one round]
- Water Walk: You can run on water (you can't however stand on water – you can't end your turn on water during battle).
Necromancer Feats
- Army of the Dead: When you raise mindless Undead (Skeletons & Zombies), permanently spend extra Necromancy points to increase the numbers by a factor of 10 (so instead of raising 5 Zombies, you can raise 50, or 500, or 5,000); there must be sufficient corpses to Raise this many Undead and you must spend the Necromancy points before making the roll to Raise the Undead; the Undead are compelled to obey you but are not Ruled by you and will not leave their gravesite or battlefield
- Damnation: After you die, you rise as an Undead with as many Hit Dice as your level (or, if 10th level, a Lich)
- Deathsight: You can cast combined detect chaos and darkvision once a day, with a 60ft range and 1 hour duration
- Glimpse of the Void: Increase your Necromancy by +2
- Greater Ritual: you can choose another penalty for your Ghastly Ritual; when you perform the Ritual to regain your Necromancy points you can choose which penalty to pay
- Resurrectionist: You can raise a dead person as an Undead creature; the risen Undead retains its memories and personality and abilities (but cannot re-learn spells); this requires permanently spending twice as many Necromancy points as normal to raise that type of Undead
- Soul Putrefaction: you can acquire an (incurable) insanity to regain Necromancy points previously spent in Ruling Undead or other Feats; if you reclaim points from currently Ruled Undead, they are no longer under your control
- Vivamort: You can restore an Undead creature to full life, causing it to regain the personality it had before it died; this requires permanently spending twice as many Necromancy points as normal to raise that type of Undead; unwilling Undead get a saving throw vs Spells and if they succeed your Necromancy points are not lost permanently
Paladin Feats
- Blessed: You may cast the “Bless” and “Detect Chaos” each once per day.
- Crusader: +2 to damage against undead and demons (this also increases the damage done by smiting).
- Inspiring Leader: Choose an ally at the start of your each turn. He or she receives +1 to damage dealt and To-Hit until your next turn.
- Inspiring Protector: Choose an ally at the start of your each turn. He or she improves their AC by -2 [+2] until your next turn.
- Questing Knight: +2 to Pride.
- Witch Hunter: All magic damage you receive is halved (rounded down), and you can identify spells (you always know what spells are being cast and what is their effect).
Ranger Feats
- Corner the Quarry: If you successfully managed to track down monsters using Survival, you and your party receive a +1 To-Hit and damage bonus while fighting them.
- Far Seer: The Ranger can use scrolls and magic items that confer detection abilities, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy and ESP. They do not need to use Read Magic to identify and use these spells on scrolls and automatically understand the commands needs to activate magic items with these powers.
- Herbalist: The Ranger heals 1d6+1 HP when binding wounds and when treating Fatal Wounds the patients receives a bonus to their saving throw equal to the Ranger’s Survival score. With the right herbs, the Ranger can treat any disease in 2d6 days.
- Land Lore: Choose a type of terrain (hills, forests, mountains, deserts, swamps); in this environment you enjoy the benefit of TWO other Ranger Feats (e.g. Herbalism and Wild Stealth) but you do not have these Feats in other environments unless you select them normally.
- Shadow Wanderer: The Ranger leaves no trace when he travels and can confer this on a number of other followers equal to his level. The Ranger and his followers can become invisible in wilderness settings when camped.
- Trapper: You may use your Survival skill to create a trap in a wilderness setting; if successful, the trap targets a single creature for 1d6 damage and stuns them for 1d6 rounds. It takes a turn to create a trap.
- Tracker: The Ranger’s range of success on Survival rolls is increased by 1.
- Vigour: +2 to all saving throws.
- Wild Stealth: You and your party surprise enemies on 1-3 (rather than 1-2)
Thief Feats
- Acrobat: You can use your Thievery skill to perform leaps; you can climb walls and take no damage from falls
- Arcane Rogue: You can read magic to cast spells from scrolls like a Magic-User
- Assassin: +4 to your To-Hit bonus instead +2 when you perform a Back Stab.
- Delver: Listening, Finding Secret Doors and Finding Traps range of success is increased by 1.
- Light Step: You activate traps only when the Referee rolls 1 on a d6 and your AC is improved by +1.
- Risky: You achieve Critical Hits on 19 and 20.
- Specialist: Increase your Thievery by 1.
- Uncanny Speed: Add +1 to your party's initiative roll.
War Smith Feats
- Arcane Forge: If you can already make a +1 type of armour or weapon, you can invest the Craft points permanently to make it an actual magical item and if you double the Craft investment it will possesses a random Minor Ability or Unusual Feature (White Box, p123). If Craft is invested permanently in a lock, the lock can only be opened by magic (such as a knock spell).
- Armourer: If you invest twice as many Craft points in armour, it adds +1 to AC
- Bowyer: Choose to specialise in crossbows or ordinary bows; if you invest twice as many Craft points in a bow, it gains +1 To Hit and damage
- Curse Breaker: You can break the enchantment on cursed weapons and armour as if a remove curse spell had been used by investing twice as many Craft points as the item would require to manufacture (if you also have Makeshift Crafter, you could do this during an adventure)
- Fletcher: If you invest twice as many Craft points in arrows or quarrels, they gain +1 To Hit and damage
- Journeyman: Gain +2 Craft
- Makeshift Crafter: In a dungeon room or wilderness setting, you can assemble enough raw materials to construct something, spending Craft points at a rate of 1 per turn, but the item will fall to pieces at the end of the adventure
- Weapon Smith: If you invest twice as many Craft points in a melee weapon, it gains +1 To Hit and damage