The Detective was a D&D subclass created by Marcus Rowland and published in White Dwarf 24 (1981). Rowland describes the class in these terms:
The detective is a new AD&D character class whose functions are the solving of mysteries and the restoration of Law. Here is the class adapted for Dragonslayer, with abilities adapted to be more effective at lower levels.
Ability Requirement: Dex 12, Int 15, Wis 12
Race & Level Limit: Human U, Half-Elf 6, Half-Orc 5, Dwarf or Halfling 7 Prime Requisite: Intelligence & Dexterity Hit Dice: d6 Starting Gold Pieces: 40-160 (4d4 x10) |
A detective is a monk-like agent of Law. Detectives do serve deities or belong to a religious order, but the cosmic forces of Law confer upon them quasi-clerical spells once they have proved themselves by solving mysteries. Detectives are also scholars and share many abilities with rangers, thieves, and assassins, such as stealth, disguise, and tracking in urban or underground settings.
Level |
Title |
Hit Dice (d6) |
XP |
Level 1 Spells |
Level 2 Spells |
Level 3 Spells |
Level 4 Spells |
Attack Mod |
1 |
Snoop |
1 |
1750 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
+0 |
2 |
Tail |
2 |
1750 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
+0 |
3 |
Shadow |
3 |
3500 |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
+0 |
4 |
Blood Hound |
4 |
7000 |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
+1 |
5 |
Gumshoe |
5 |
14,000 |
2 |
1 |
- |
- |
+2 |
6 |
Eye |
6 |
28,000 |
3 |
2 |
- |
- |
+2 |
7 |
Copper |
7 |
56,000 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
- |
+3 |
8 |
Sleuth |
8 |
112,000 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
- |
+3 |
9 |
Investigator |
9 |
225,000 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
+3 |
10 |
Detective |
10 |
400,000 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
+4 |
+ 200,000 XP and +1 HP for each level after 10th. Spells follow the pattern of clerical spells from a level lower (i.e. 5/4/3/3 at 11th level, same as a 10th level cleric)
Role: Detectives are secondary fighters and scouts.
Weapons & Armour: Detectives may wear leather or studded armour. They may not uses shields or two-handed weapons (except bows).
Language: Detectives learn an extra language at 2nd level and every level thereafter. These languages can include Thieves Cant and Ancient Common.
Saving Throws: Detectives save at +2 versus charm or emotion-control (including fear)
Thief Skills: Detectives can Hear Noise, Climb Walls, Find/Remove Traps, and Appraise as a Thief of the same level. Starting at 3rd level, they can Hide in Shadows, Pick Pockets, Move Silently, and Open Locks as a Thief two levels lower. They cannot backstab.
Disguise: Detectives can Disguise themselves as an Assassin.
Tracking: Detectives can Track opponents as a Ranger, but only in urban or underground environments. In urban environments they must have seen the target within 2 turns (20 minutes) of commencing tracking. Underground, the chance of Tracking is reduced by 10% every time the target uses a staircase or secret door and 25% every time there is a combat encounter.
Sage: When Detectives reach 10th level, they become Sages: treat as the ability to cast Legend Lore but only from his or her study/library/laboratory. By tradition, there is only one 10th+ level Detective in a city; if another arrives, the two must engage in non-lethal competition and the loser either leaves or becomes a non-adventuring consultant.
Feats: If you use the Feats system, Detective can choose from their own Feats when they attain odd-numbered levels
Weapons & Armour: Detectives may wear leather or studded armour. They may not uses shields or two-handed weapons (except bows).
Language: Detectives learn an extra language at 2nd level and every level thereafter. These languages can include Thieves Cant and Ancient Common.
Saving Throws: Detectives save at +2 versus charm or emotion-control (including fear)
Thief Skills: Detectives can Hear Noise, Climb Walls, Find/Remove Traps, and Appraise as a Thief of the same level. Starting at 3rd level, they can Hide in Shadows, Pick Pockets, Move Silently, and Open Locks as a Thief two levels lower. They cannot backstab.
Disguise: Detectives can Disguise themselves as an Assassin.
Tracking: Detectives can Track opponents as a Ranger, but only in urban or underground environments. In urban environments they must have seen the target within 2 turns (20 minutes) of commencing tracking. Underground, the chance of Tracking is reduced by 10% every time the target uses a staircase or secret door and 25% every time there is a combat encounter.
Sage: When Detectives reach 10th level, they become Sages: treat as the ability to cast Legend Lore but only from his or her study/library/laboratory. By tradition, there is only one 10th+ level Detective in a city; if another arrives, the two must engage in non-lethal competition and the loser either leaves or becomes a non-adventuring consultant.
Feats: If you use the Feats system, Detective can choose from their own Feats when they attain odd-numbered levels
Spells: Detectives gain quasi-clerical spells at 3rd level with a focus on detection and mystery solving (plus some spells aiding in escape). Like clerics, Detectives may not memorise the same spell more than once per day without use of a magical item.
1st Level Detective Spells
Comprehend Languages - as the 1st level Magic-User spell
Duration: 1 round
Range: 10 feet
Cast on evidence (e.g. a footprint, a bloodstain, a picked lock) this spell reveals how much time has elapsed since an event related to the evidence took place.
Detect Charm - as the 2nd level Cleric spell
Detect Evil - as the 1st level Cleric spell (may be reversed at will)
Detect Enemies
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 10 feet/level
The caster senses the presence of creatures who have hostile intentions towards him or herself (but not creatures that are merely dangerous to all passersby, like dangerous animals or plants or mindless undead).
Detect Illusion - as the 1st level Illusionist spell
Detect Lie - as the 4th level Cleric spell but cannot be reversed
Detect Pits & Snares - as the 1st level Druid spell
Detect Secret Door
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: 30 feet
The caster automatically spots secret doors or secret compartments for as long as the spell lasts (and the caster may move at combat speed while the spell is in effect).
Escapology 1
Duration: 1 round
Range: touch
The caster or the person they touch is instantly freed from ropes or simple bindings. The spell has a verbal component so the caster m,ust be able to speak to cast it.
Feign Death - as the 2nd level Cleric spell
Grade Metals
Duration: 1 round
Range: touch
The caster becomes aware of all the metals that an object is made up of and their relative proportions. This allows a Detective to use their Appraise power successfully on precious metals. It does not reveal whether metals are magical, but it will detect the presence of mithril.
Know Alignment - as the 2nd level Cleric spell
Snare - as the 3rd level Druid spell
Duration: 1 round
Range: 10 feet
Cast on evidence (e.g. a footprint, a bloodstain, a picked lock) this spell reveals how much time has elapsed since an event related to the evidence took place.
Detect Charm - as the 2nd level Cleric spell
Detect Evil - as the 1st level Cleric spell (may be reversed at will)
Detect Enemies
Duration: 1 Turn
Range: 10 feet/level
The caster senses the presence of creatures who have hostile intentions towards him or herself (but not creatures that are merely dangerous to all passersby, like dangerous animals or plants or mindless undead).
Detect Illusion - as the 1st level Illusionist spell
Detect Lie - as the 4th level Cleric spell but cannot be reversed
Detect Pits & Snares - as the 1st level Druid spell
Detect Secret Door
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: 30 feet
The caster automatically spots secret doors or secret compartments for as long as the spell lasts (and the caster may move at combat speed while the spell is in effect).
Escapology 1
Duration: 1 round
Range: touch
The caster or the person they touch is instantly freed from ropes or simple bindings. The spell has a verbal component so the caster m,ust be able to speak to cast it.
Feign Death - as the 2nd level Cleric spell
Grade Metals
Duration: 1 round
Range: touch
The caster becomes aware of all the metals that an object is made up of and their relative proportions. This allows a Detective to use their Appraise power successfully on precious metals. It does not reveal whether metals are magical, but it will detect the presence of mithril.
Know Alignment - as the 2nd level Cleric spell
Snare - as the 3rd level Druid spell
2nd Level Detective Spells
Detect Evasions - as Detect Lies, but reveals evasions and half-truths as well as outright lies
Detect Invisibility - as the 1st level Illusionist spell
Detect Magic - as the 1st level Cleric spell
Escapology II - as Escapology I but also works on chains and metal fetters
Locate Object - as the 3rd level Cleric spell
Read Codes - this improved version of Comprehend Languages translates messages in code or cipher into something the caster understands
Reflect The Past
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: special
The caster enchants a mirror which reflects events happening in the past at its location (up to 1 hour ago per level of the caster). Demons, devils, and demi-gods might notice and react to observation by this spell.
Speak With Animals - as the 1st level Druid spell
Speak with Dead - as the 3rd level Cleric spell
Detect Invisibility - as the 1st level Illusionist spell
Detect Magic - as the 1st level Cleric spell
Escapology II - as Escapology I but also works on chains and metal fetters
Locate Object - as the 3rd level Cleric spell
Read Codes - this improved version of Comprehend Languages translates messages in code or cipher into something the caster understands
Reflect The Past
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: special
The caster enchants a mirror which reflects events happening in the past at its location (up to 1 hour ago per level of the caster). Demons, devils, and demi-gods might notice and react to observation by this spell.
Speak With Animals - as the 1st level Druid spell
Speak with Dead - as the 3rd level Cleric spell
3rd Level Detective Spells
Escapology III - as Escapology I but allows escape from metal boxes, riveted manacles, or otherwise 'escape proof' captivity; it also releases the target from the clutches, gluey secretions, or tentacles of monsters that trap victims
ESP - as the 2nd level Magic-User spell
Forget - as the 2nd level Magic-User spell
Knock - as the 2nd level Magic-User spell
Speak With Plants - as the 4th level Cleric spell
Suggestion - as the 3rd level Magic-User spell
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: touch
The person touched must respond to all questions with absolute truthfulness; this might require a roll to hit if the target is unwilling and not restrained and if the caster misses the spell is wasted. Only innately deceptive creatures (devils, some faerie beings, etc.) are allowed a saving throw.
Ungag - as Escapology I but has no verbal components and causes a gag to fall from the caster's mouth, allowing the casting of further Escapology spells; it also frees the target from monsters which have choking/suffocating attacks
Vision of the Past - as Reflect the Past but creates a 3-dimensional image in a cloud of smoke and reaches back 1 day per level.
Water Breathing - as the 3rd level Druid spell
ESP - as the 2nd level Magic-User spell
Forget - as the 2nd level Magic-User spell
Knock - as the 2nd level Magic-User spell
Speak With Plants - as the 4th level Cleric spell
Suggestion - as the 3rd level Magic-User spell
Duration: 1 round/level
Range: touch
The person touched must respond to all questions with absolute truthfulness; this might require a roll to hit if the target is unwilling and not restrained and if the caster misses the spell is wasted. Only innately deceptive creatures (devils, some faerie beings, etc.) are allowed a saving throw.
Ungag - as Escapology I but has no verbal components and causes a gag to fall from the caster's mouth, allowing the casting of further Escapology spells; it also frees the target from monsters which have choking/suffocating attacks
Vision of the Past - as Reflect the Past but creates a 3-dimensional image in a cloud of smoke and reaches back 1 day per level.
Water Breathing - as the 3rd level Druid spell
4th Level Detective Spells
Escapology IV - as Escapology I but allows escape from magical prisons (such as a Maze spell)
Find The Path - as the 6th level Cleric spell
Maze - as the 5th level Illusionist spell, but the range is Touch and the target receives a saving throw
Oracle of the Past - as Vision of the Past but reaches back one year per level of the caster; if the caster goes into a trance they receive a vision going back one century per level, but this reduces the Detective to 1d4 HP when they awaken and wipes all other spells from the mind.
Polymorph Self - as the 4th level Magic-User spell
Read Divine Magic - as the 1st level Cleric spell
Speak With Monsters - as the 6th level Cleric spell
Stone Tell - as the 6th level Cleric spell
True Sight - as the 5th level Cleric spell
Find The Path - as the 6th level Cleric spell
Maze - as the 5th level Illusionist spell, but the range is Touch and the target receives a saving throw
Oracle of the Past - as Vision of the Past but reaches back one year per level of the caster; if the caster goes into a trance they receive a vision going back one century per level, but this reduces the Detective to 1d4 HP when they awaken and wipes all other spells from the mind.
Polymorph Self - as the 4th level Magic-User spell
Read Divine Magic - as the 1st level Cleric spell
Speak With Monsters - as the 6th level Cleric spell
Stone Tell - as the 6th level Cleric spell
True Sight - as the 5th level Cleric spell