The Stonehell Mega-dungeon
I'm Refereeing the Stonehell Mega-dungeon by Michael Curtis during this period of social isolation - and maybe continuing after we start meeting face-to-face again. Stonehell is a massive dungeon complex: 5 levels (in book 1; there's another book with levels 6-10) with lots of denizens, dungeon politics, imaginative themes and a deepening sense of threat. It's written for Labyrinth Lord RPG (a retroclone of Frank Mentzer's BECMI D&D) but it converts painlessly to White Box if you scale the damage back to d6s.
My original plan was just to focus on the Dungeon, with PCs retreating to a generic Inn to heal and retiring to a nameless Big City to level up.
But of course, that proves unsatisfactory. Players want backgrounds for their characters, they want to do stuff while other PCs are healing, they want to connect the politics of the dungeon with the power groups in the world above. Before we know it, we've got new races, new classes, new religions and cultures and the Big City has a name and a history and... oh, you know how it goes. Campaigns grow like weeds.
I'm trying to avoid SPOILERS for people who haven't ventured into Stonehell Dungeon yet - but I also want to share session reports. I'll keep spoilers out of the resource pages, but if you want to remain innocent of Stonehell's secrets, stay away from the Stonehell Session Blog.