Druid spells are rather underwhelming and Szymon Piecha's Expanded Lore makes Druids advance as slowly as Magic-Users rather than as fast as Clerics! To some extent, this is warranted by Druids' fantastic shapechange ability at first level, but with their limited spell lists, Druids soon fall behind. This article offers a reconsideration of the basic Druid spells.
I have repeat Szymon's spell descriptions below, adding my own comments in bold italics. I have also added spells adapted from Swords & Wizardry: White Box by Salvatore Macri and these are marked *. I have altered some spell levels, allowing Druids to cast some spells (e.g. water breathing) as a lower level spell than a normal Cleric or Magic-User.
I have repeat Szymon's spell descriptions below, adding my own comments in bold italics. I have also added spells adapted from Swords & Wizardry: White Box by Salvatore Macri and these are marked *. I have altered some spell levels, allowing Druids to cast some spells (e.g. water breathing) as a lower level spell than a normal Cleric or Magic-User.
First Level Spells
Spell Level: D1
Range: None
Duration: Until eaten
The Druid creates 1d6 magical berries in his hand. Each berry restores 1 HP when eaten. All magical berries wither at sundown. Berries provide instant First Aid if fed to the victim of a Fatal Wound (no need to make a saving throw vs Death).
Charm Animal
Spell Level: D1
Range: 120 ft.
Duration: Until dispelled
This spell operates in the same manner as the Charm Person spell of the Magic-User, but affects animals. The animal serves loyally to the best of its intelligence but the spell ends if the animal is forced to act against its instincts or leave its habitat. When the spell ends the animal leaves peacefully.
Detect Magic*
Spell Level: D1, C1, M1
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 20 minutes
This spell is identical to the arcane and clerical spell of the same name.
Spell Level: D1
Range: 25 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell shoots out a small magical flare out of the Druids finger. The flare may daze an enemy for 1d6 rounds (Saving Throw possible). It does not work on monsters that do not have eyes or cannot see. The Flare illuminates a creature so brightly that it is revealed if invisible, camouflaged or hidden and all attacks against it are at +2 for the 1d6 rounds it lasts.
Know Weather
Spell Level: D1
Range: 2 miles per caster level
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell allows the Druid to forecast the weather in the current location. The forecast is for the next 12 hours. The Druid can make use of this knowledge in different ways; roll 1d10 for the forthcoming weather conditions:
1-4. CLEAR SKIES: Add +20% to wilderness travel, ignore Wandering Monster check that day or night
5-6 RAIN: Deduct -10% from Wilderness Travel, halve chances of being tracked, double chance of surprising enemies
7-8 WINDS: Deduct -10% from Wilderness travel, -2 to missile attacks, ignore flying Wandering Monsters
9 STORM: Deduct -20% from Wilderness travel, -4 to missile attacks, no flying Wandering Monsters, halve chances of being tracked, call on lightning bolt for 3d6 damage in one outdoors encounter
0 FOG/BLIZZARD/SANDSTORM: Deduct -30% from Wilderness travel, -4 to missile attacks, halve chances of being tracked, automatically evade one encounter
Locate Flora or Fauna*
Spell Level: D1
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: 1 minutes per level
Works in the same manner as the Locate Object spell, but affects a type of animal or plant that the Druid seeks. Alternatively, the spell may locate a type of animal or plant in a wilderness setting within 3 miles, whether for hunting and trapping or follow-up use of Charm Animal. The Druid cannot be surprised by the animal once it has been located, the Druid's attacks against it are at +2 and it saves at -2 against the Druid's spells. This spell will not locate giant or magical animals or plants.
Locate Snares and Pits
Spell Level: D1
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Works in the same manner as the Find Traps spell, but affects snares and pits. The spell locates any sort of trap in a wilderness setting but only locates pit traps in a dungeon setting.
Produce Flame*
Spell Level: D1
Range: Caster
Duration: 2 turns per level
This spell allows the Druid to produce a small flame in the palm of her hand which illuminates as a small lantern. The flame may be hurled up to 30 ft. It may cause inflammables (e.g. a pool of oil) to combust.
Purify Water*
Spell Level: D1
Range: Close or touch
Duration: Immediate
This spell is identical to the clerical spell Purify Food and Drink but is limited to water. It cannot be reversed.
Spell Level: D1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
This spell transforms a club, staff or branch into a magical weapon the deals 1d6+1 damage and is capable of damaging enchanted monsters that normally require magic weapons to hit. Only a Druid can wield this weapon, but they can use their Wisdom modifiers instead of their Strength modifiers to roll To Hit and damage. If a Druid has the Staff Fighter Feat it will apply to the shillelagh too.
Spell Level: D1
Range: None
Duration: Until eaten
The Druid creates 1d6 magical berries in his hand. Each berry restores 1 HP when eaten. All magical berries wither at sundown. Berries provide instant First Aid if fed to the victim of a Fatal Wound (no need to make a saving throw vs Death).
Charm Animal
Spell Level: D1
Range: 120 ft.
Duration: Until dispelled
This spell operates in the same manner as the Charm Person spell of the Magic-User, but affects animals. The animal serves loyally to the best of its intelligence but the spell ends if the animal is forced to act against its instincts or leave its habitat. When the spell ends the animal leaves peacefully.
Detect Magic*
Spell Level: D1, C1, M1
Range: 60 ft
Duration: 20 minutes
This spell is identical to the arcane and clerical spell of the same name.
Spell Level: D1
Range: 25 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell shoots out a small magical flare out of the Druids finger. The flare may daze an enemy for 1d6 rounds (Saving Throw possible). It does not work on monsters that do not have eyes or cannot see. The Flare illuminates a creature so brightly that it is revealed if invisible, camouflaged or hidden and all attacks against it are at +2 for the 1d6 rounds it lasts.
Know Weather
Spell Level: D1
Range: 2 miles per caster level
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell allows the Druid to forecast the weather in the current location. The forecast is for the next 12 hours. The Druid can make use of this knowledge in different ways; roll 1d10 for the forthcoming weather conditions:
1-4. CLEAR SKIES: Add +20% to wilderness travel, ignore Wandering Monster check that day or night
5-6 RAIN: Deduct -10% from Wilderness Travel, halve chances of being tracked, double chance of surprising enemies
7-8 WINDS: Deduct -10% from Wilderness travel, -2 to missile attacks, ignore flying Wandering Monsters
9 STORM: Deduct -20% from Wilderness travel, -4 to missile attacks, no flying Wandering Monsters, halve chances of being tracked, call on lightning bolt for 3d6 damage in one outdoors encounter
0 FOG/BLIZZARD/SANDSTORM: Deduct -30% from Wilderness travel, -4 to missile attacks, halve chances of being tracked, automatically evade one encounter
Locate Flora or Fauna*
Spell Level: D1
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: 1 minutes per level
Works in the same manner as the Locate Object spell, but affects a type of animal or plant that the Druid seeks. Alternatively, the spell may locate a type of animal or plant in a wilderness setting within 3 miles, whether for hunting and trapping or follow-up use of Charm Animal. The Druid cannot be surprised by the animal once it has been located, the Druid's attacks against it are at +2 and it saves at -2 against the Druid's spells. This spell will not locate giant or magical animals or plants.
Locate Snares and Pits
Spell Level: D1
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Works in the same manner as the Find Traps spell, but affects snares and pits. The spell locates any sort of trap in a wilderness setting but only locates pit traps in a dungeon setting.
Produce Flame*
Spell Level: D1
Range: Caster
Duration: 2 turns per level
This spell allows the Druid to produce a small flame in the palm of her hand which illuminates as a small lantern. The flame may be hurled up to 30 ft. It may cause inflammables (e.g. a pool of oil) to combust.
Purify Water*
Spell Level: D1
Range: Close or touch
Duration: Immediate
This spell is identical to the clerical spell Purify Food and Drink but is limited to water. It cannot be reversed.
Spell Level: D1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
This spell transforms a club, staff or branch into a magical weapon the deals 1d6+1 damage and is capable of damaging enchanted monsters that normally require magic weapons to hit. Only a Druid can wield this weapon, but they can use their Wisdom modifiers instead of their Strength modifiers to roll To Hit and damage. If a Druid has the Staff Fighter Feat it will apply to the shillelagh too.
Second Level Spells
Animal Messenger
Spell Level: D2
Range: None
Duration: Until message is delivered
The Druid summons a tiny animal in his hand (for example: bird, rat), that will try to reach its recipient. The Druid may attach a scroll with a message to the animal. When the messenger reaches its recipient – it disappears. The Druid may cast a spell when the Messenger departs and this spell takes effect when the Messenger reaches its recipient. The Druid needs to know the name of the recipient but not the recipient's location. If the recipient is dead the Messenger will depart and then disappear. The Druid becomes aware when the Messenger reaches the recipient but not if the Messenger disappeared for any other reason.
Hold Animal*
Spell Level: D2
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 1 hour + 10 minutes per level
Similar to the magic-user spell Hold Monster, Hold Animal affects up to 1d4 large mammals or a single swarm or shoal of insects, birds or fish. A single target saves at -2. It does not affect giant-sized or magical animals.
Spell Level: D2
Range: 250 ft.
Duration: Until dispelled
This spell creates a thick magical fog in the area. Every creature, except the Druid, can barely see in this fog and receives a -4 To-Hit penalty while trying to fight in these conditions. The Fog cancels out 'gaze' attacks of monsters like Medusas and special attacks like a Thief's backstabbing ability. The Druid can use the Fog as cover to evade any encounter, guiding the rest of the party out of the fog.
Protection from Fire*
Spell Level: D2
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 hours
If cast upon a non-Druid, this spell renders the target invulnerable to normal fire. If cast upon a Druid, this spell also protects from magical fire, but such magical flames will immediately cancel the spell on the next round.
Protection from Lightning*
Spell Level: D2
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 hours
This spell negates the effects of electrical attacks. The spell ceases after such an attack.
Warp Wood
Spell Level: D2
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Permanently
This spell causes wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. A warped door springs open (or becomes stuck, requiring a Strength check to open, at your option). A boat or ship springs a leak. Warped ranged weapons are useless. Alternatively, you can unwarp wood (effectively warping it back to normal) with this spell, straightening wood that has been warped by this spell or by other means. This spell inflicts damage on creatures made of wood: 1d6 per level of the Druid. The Druid can threaten the use of this spell to coerce such creatures (treat the spell as if cast in exchange for +4 on Reaction tests).
Water Breathing*
Spell Level: D2, M3
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 2 hours
Functions like the Magic-User's spell of the same name.
Wild Strength
Spell Level: D2
Range: Caster or Touch
Duration: 1 hour per caster level
This spell gives a chosen person immense strength – his muscle mass rips apart clothes after casting. The character also receives a +2 bonus to all melee damage done and can easily bend bars and lift heavy objects. The recipient ignores Minor Injuries for the duration of the spell but gains a point of Trauma.
Spell Level: D2
Range: None
Duration: Until message is delivered
The Druid summons a tiny animal in his hand (for example: bird, rat), that will try to reach its recipient. The Druid may attach a scroll with a message to the animal. When the messenger reaches its recipient – it disappears. The Druid may cast a spell when the Messenger departs and this spell takes effect when the Messenger reaches its recipient. The Druid needs to know the name of the recipient but not the recipient's location. If the recipient is dead the Messenger will depart and then disappear. The Druid becomes aware when the Messenger reaches the recipient but not if the Messenger disappeared for any other reason.
Hold Animal*
Spell Level: D2
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 1 hour + 10 minutes per level
Similar to the magic-user spell Hold Monster, Hold Animal affects up to 1d4 large mammals or a single swarm or shoal of insects, birds or fish. A single target saves at -2. It does not affect giant-sized or magical animals.
Spell Level: D2
Range: 250 ft.
Duration: Until dispelled
This spell creates a thick magical fog in the area. Every creature, except the Druid, can barely see in this fog and receives a -4 To-Hit penalty while trying to fight in these conditions. The Fog cancels out 'gaze' attacks of monsters like Medusas and special attacks like a Thief's backstabbing ability. The Druid can use the Fog as cover to evade any encounter, guiding the rest of the party out of the fog.
Protection from Fire*
Spell Level: D2
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 hours
If cast upon a non-Druid, this spell renders the target invulnerable to normal fire. If cast upon a Druid, this spell also protects from magical fire, but such magical flames will immediately cancel the spell on the next round.
Protection from Lightning*
Spell Level: D2
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 hours
This spell negates the effects of electrical attacks. The spell ceases after such an attack.
Warp Wood
Spell Level: D2
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Permanently
This spell causes wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. A warped door springs open (or becomes stuck, requiring a Strength check to open, at your option). A boat or ship springs a leak. Warped ranged weapons are useless. Alternatively, you can unwarp wood (effectively warping it back to normal) with this spell, straightening wood that has been warped by this spell or by other means. This spell inflicts damage on creatures made of wood: 1d6 per level of the Druid. The Druid can threaten the use of this spell to coerce such creatures (treat the spell as if cast in exchange for +4 on Reaction tests).
Water Breathing*
Spell Level: D2, M3
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 2 hours
Functions like the Magic-User's spell of the same name.
Wild Strength
Spell Level: D2
Range: Caster or Touch
Duration: 1 hour per caster level
This spell gives a chosen person immense strength – his muscle mass rips apart clothes after casting. The character also receives a +2 bonus to all melee damage done and can easily bend bars and lift heavy objects. The recipient ignores Minor Injuries for the duration of the spell but gains a point of Trauma.
Third Level Spells
Call Lightning
Spell Level: D3
Range: 240 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
A lighting bolt strikes down on the chosen target and deals 1d6 damage per caster level. It deals an additional 1d6 when used outdoors, and another 1d6 if the target wears metal objects.
Cure Disease*
Spell Level: D3, C3
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Identical to the Cleric's spell of the same name.
Neutralize Poison*
Spell Level: D3, C4
Range: Referee's discretion
Duration: 10 minutes
Same as the clerical spell of the same name.
Plant Growth*
Spell Level: D3, M4
Range: 240 ft
Duration: Permanent
Identical to the Magic-User spell of the same name.
Protective Circle
Spell Level: D3
Range: 20 ft.
Duration: 2 minutes per caster level
This spell creates a stationary magical circle around the Druid, that completely blocks fire, lightning, water and ice.
Speak with Plants
Spell Level: D3, C4
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 6 turns
Same as the clerical spell of the same name.
Summon Animal
Spell Level: D3
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: 1 day
This spell calls forth an animal ally with 4 HD. The Druid may also instead divide the HD into smaller creatures (for example: he may summon four animals with 1 HD). All summoned animals disappear at the end of the day. The ally serves the Druid without needing to make morale checks and unlike a Charmed animal it will act against its instincts and leave its habitat.
Wind Wall
Spell Level: D3
Range: 100 ft.
Duration: 1 round per caster level
This spell creates an invisible curtain of air, that deflects all projectiles, gases, and smaller creatures (HD 1/2). Creatures with a HD of 1 may still try to breach the wall, but must make a Saving Throw in order to do so. Flying creatures encountering the Wind Wall will be forced to land.
Spell Level: D3
Range: 240 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
A lighting bolt strikes down on the chosen target and deals 1d6 damage per caster level. It deals an additional 1d6 when used outdoors, and another 1d6 if the target wears metal objects.
Cure Disease*
Spell Level: D3, C3
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Identical to the Cleric's spell of the same name.
Neutralize Poison*
Spell Level: D3, C4
Range: Referee's discretion
Duration: 10 minutes
Same as the clerical spell of the same name.
Plant Growth*
Spell Level: D3, M4
Range: 240 ft
Duration: Permanent
Identical to the Magic-User spell of the same name.
Protective Circle
Spell Level: D3
Range: 20 ft.
Duration: 2 minutes per caster level
This spell creates a stationary magical circle around the Druid, that completely blocks fire, lightning, water and ice.
Speak with Plants
Spell Level: D3, C4
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 6 turns
Same as the clerical spell of the same name.
Summon Animal
Spell Level: D3
Range: 90 ft.
Duration: 1 day
This spell calls forth an animal ally with 4 HD. The Druid may also instead divide the HD into smaller creatures (for example: he may summon four animals with 1 HD). All summoned animals disappear at the end of the day. The ally serves the Druid without needing to make morale checks and unlike a Charmed animal it will act against its instincts and leave its habitat.
Wind Wall
Spell Level: D3
Range: 100 ft.
Duration: 1 round per caster level
This spell creates an invisible curtain of air, that deflects all projectiles, gases, and smaller creatures (HD 1/2). Creatures with a HD of 1 may still try to breach the wall, but must make a Saving Throw in order to do so. Flying creatures encountering the Wind Wall will be forced to land.
Fourth Level Spells
Air Walk
Spell Level: D4
Range: Caster
Duration: 30 minutes
The Druid may walk on air, as if it was solid ground. Strong winds may break the spell.
Animal Growth*
Spell Level: D4, M5
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 2 hours
Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name.
Call Monster
Spell Level: D4
Range: n/a
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell calls from the wild a random monster, depending on the terrain type where the spell was cast. There is a 1-2 chance, that the monster will be neutral towards the Druid. Even if hostile, the monster will always attack the enemies of the druid first.
Dryad's Path*
Spell Level: D4
Range: Close
Duration: 2 hours
This spell allows the Druid to pass through thick/dense vegetation. This "path" is usable only by the caster, but another Druid or a Dryad may follow along with a number of companions equal to the Druid's level. The travelers leave no trail as the 'path' closes behind them. This spell allows a group to cover 5 miles of terrain through the densest woodland or swamp without checking for Wandering Monsters.
Dispel Magic*
Spell Level: D4, M3
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes
Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name.
Hallucinatory Terrain*
Spell Level: D4
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
This spell creates an illusion forest covering an area of 30ft . X 30 ft. per Druid level. Creatures within this area will absolutely believe they are in a forest, acting and reacting appropriately to their surroundings. A Referee may wish to allow victims of this illusion a saving throw to see through the
illusion. Other Druids, magical woodland creatures and fey are never fooled by this hallucinatory forest. A Dispel Magic or a reversal of Hallucinatory Terrain will dispel this illusion.
Insect Plague*
Spell Level: D4, C5
Range: 480 ft
Duration: 1 day
Same as the clerical spell of the same name.
Tree Stride
Spell Level: D4
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 hour per caster level
This spell allows the Druid to merge (hide inside) with a tree. After merging, the Druid can freely “teleport” into another nearby tree of the same type. The Druid must leave the tree if the spell duration ends, or the tree is chopped down, or burned.
Spell Level: D4
Range: Caster
Duration: 30 minutes
The Druid may walk on air, as if it was solid ground. Strong winds may break the spell.
Animal Growth*
Spell Level: D4, M5
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 2 hours
Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name.
Call Monster
Spell Level: D4
Range: n/a
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell calls from the wild a random monster, depending on the terrain type where the spell was cast. There is a 1-2 chance, that the monster will be neutral towards the Druid. Even if hostile, the monster will always attack the enemies of the druid first.
Dryad's Path*
Spell Level: D4
Range: Close
Duration: 2 hours
This spell allows the Druid to pass through thick/dense vegetation. This "path" is usable only by the caster, but another Druid or a Dryad may follow along with a number of companions equal to the Druid's level. The travelers leave no trail as the 'path' closes behind them. This spell allows a group to cover 5 miles of terrain through the densest woodland or swamp without checking for Wandering Monsters.
Dispel Magic*
Spell Level: D4, M3
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 10 minutes
Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name.
Hallucinatory Terrain*
Spell Level: D4
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
This spell creates an illusion forest covering an area of 30ft . X 30 ft. per Druid level. Creatures within this area will absolutely believe they are in a forest, acting and reacting appropriately to their surroundings. A Referee may wish to allow victims of this illusion a saving throw to see through the
illusion. Other Druids, magical woodland creatures and fey are never fooled by this hallucinatory forest. A Dispel Magic or a reversal of Hallucinatory Terrain will dispel this illusion.
Insect Plague*
Spell Level: D4, C5
Range: 480 ft
Duration: 1 day
Same as the clerical spell of the same name.
Tree Stride
Spell Level: D4
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 hour per caster level
This spell allows the Druid to merge (hide inside) with a tree. After merging, the Druid can freely “teleport” into another nearby tree of the same type. The Druid must leave the tree if the spell duration ends, or the tree is chopped down, or burned.
Fifth Level Spells
Anti-Plant Shell*
Spell Level: D5
Range: Self
Duration: 2 hours
Similar to the magic-user spell Anti-Magic Shell but instead of protecting from spells, it protects against attacks from plants and living vegetables.
Awaken Treant
Spell Level: D5
Range: Touch
Duration: Until destroyed
This spell transforms a touched tree into a friendly treant. Its HD depends on the size of the tree. 7HD (blackthorn, holly), 8HD (hazel, willow, hawthorn), 9HD (yew, birch), 10HD (oak, ash, beech), 11 HD (mountain ash, ir, cypress), 12HD (sequoia, redwood)
Spell Level: D5
Range: 600 ft.
Duration: up to 1 minute/round per caster level
This spell creates a mighty tremor, that destroys structures, collapses tunnels and opens cracks in the ground. All creatures (except the druid) in range also fall on the ground and can't act, as long as the druid keeps casting the spell (see Duration). Used in a dungeon, this may either collapse a tunnel or room or open up a crack giving access to the dungeon level above or below.
Level: D5, M6
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name, but the recipient will return in the body of an animal, a woodland monster or a fey creature.
Summon Giant Animals*
Spell Level: D5
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 1 hour
Similar to the Druid spell Summon Animals except that a giant or magical animal (e.g. a Griffin) with up to 10 HD is summoned. The spell can instead summon several giant or magical animals with HD totaling 10.
Spell Level: D5
Range: 300 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell creates an explosive globe (40 ft radius) of light. All creatures within the globe become blinded and take 1d6 points of damage per caster level if they fail a saving throw vs Spells; if they pass the saving throw they take half damage and are blinded for 1d6 rounds. Nocturnal or light-fearing creatures, including undead, save at -4. This counts as real sunlight for creatures like Vampires.
Spell Level: D5
Range: Self
Duration: 2 hours
Similar to the magic-user spell Anti-Magic Shell but instead of protecting from spells, it protects against attacks from plants and living vegetables.
Awaken Treant
Spell Level: D5
Range: Touch
Duration: Until destroyed
This spell transforms a touched tree into a friendly treant. Its HD depends on the size of the tree. 7HD (blackthorn, holly), 8HD (hazel, willow, hawthorn), 9HD (yew, birch), 10HD (oak, ash, beech), 11 HD (mountain ash, ir, cypress), 12HD (sequoia, redwood)
Spell Level: D5
Range: 600 ft.
Duration: up to 1 minute/round per caster level
This spell creates a mighty tremor, that destroys structures, collapses tunnels and opens cracks in the ground. All creatures (except the druid) in range also fall on the ground and can't act, as long as the druid keeps casting the spell (see Duration). Used in a dungeon, this may either collapse a tunnel or room or open up a crack giving access to the dungeon level above or below.
Level: D5, M6
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name, but the recipient will return in the body of an animal, a woodland monster or a fey creature.
Summon Giant Animals*
Spell Level: D5
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 1 hour
Similar to the Druid spell Summon Animals except that a giant or magical animal (e.g. a Griffin) with up to 10 HD is summoned. The spell can instead summon several giant or magical animals with HD totaling 10.
Spell Level: D5
Range: 300 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell creates an explosive globe (40 ft radius) of light. All creatures within the globe become blinded and take 1d6 points of damage per caster level if they fail a saving throw vs Spells; if they pass the saving throw they take half damage and are blinded for 1d6 rounds. Nocturnal or light-fearing creatures, including undead, save at -4. This counts as real sunlight for creatures like Vampires.