The simple nature of combat in White Box can be its strength. Players are free to suggest any tactic or manoeuvre: "I want to swing from the chandelier!"... "I spit in its face!"... "I summon the ghost of my berserker grandfather to lend me its strength for the killing blow!"
All the Referee has to do is put this into practice in a generous way: "You land behind the enemies and can Backstab them next round"... "It flies into a rage and forgets to use its paralysing claws"... "You get +2 to hit for the next 1d6 rounds but you have to fight your allies if there are no enemies left!"
All the Referee has to do is put this into practice in a generous way: "You land behind the enemies and can Backstab them next round"... "It flies into a rage and forgets to use its paralysing claws"... "You get +2 to hit for the next 1d6 rounds but you have to fight your allies if there are no enemies left!"
Sometimes players struggle to come up with ideas like this on the spur of the moment. And of course, a list of tactical options that always apply help prompt ideas for options that could apply in other situations.
These Combat Tactics are actions a PC can take instead of rolling to hit in combat or casting a spell. They involve taking a moment out of the hurly-burly of melee to look around, see what the enemy is doing, what your friends are doing, and make yourself useful in some way other than attacking or using your powers. These Combat Tactics are especially valuable for non-combatant characters like Magic-Users, Detectives, Houris, etc. and also for other characters stuck at the back of a corridor, unable to engage the enemy, or hanging back deliberately because of low Hit Points or Injuries.
Combat Tactics must be declared before initiative is determined. The effects take place immediately. The character takes no other action in the round. Most characters may only choose a Combat Tactic if they are out of the melee, but Fighters may choose Combat Tactics within melee so long as they forego other actions in the round.
- Covering Fire: use missile weapons to cause one enemy to go last next round, regardless of initiative order
- Defensive Blocking: two allies fighting side-by-side to give each other +1 to AC for a round
- Point out a target: an ally can make a missile To Hit roll on one enemy without risking hitting another ally in the melee
- Shout out a warning: an ally gains +2 to AC or saving throws against one enemy
- Shout encouragement: an ally gains +1 To Hit and +1 damage against one enemy
- Stay alert: nominate yourself or an ally to gain +1 to initiative next round
Veteran Monsters: Some monsters (e.g. Hobgoblins, Kobolds, well-led Orcs) are effective tacticians. For every two non-combatant monsters, one of these effects will be used (roll d6).
Class Combat Tactics
- Assassins: Spy - an Assassin may make an Assassination test on behalf of another character; if successful, that character may Back Stab (if a Thief or Assassin) or attack at +2 and roll the damage die twice, choosing the better result (for other classes)
- Barbarians: Taunt - this round, a nominated enemy will rush to attack the Barbarian, if possible, ignoring other targets
- Bards: Victory Anthem - this round, all allies make one To Hit roll at +1
- Clerics: Battle Prayer - another Cleric turning Undead rolls 4d6 and chooses the best 3 or an ally receives +2 to a saving throw
- Demonists: Curse - this round, an enemy attacks and saves at -1
- Detectives: Weak Spot - nominate an enemy and an ally attacking it; if the ally accepts -2 To Hit, they can deal maximum damage on their next attack
- Druids: Herbal Remedy - another non-combatant ally forfeits any action to receive binding from you (1d6-1 HP)
- Fighters: Shout Orders – one character in melee can make one roll To Hit using your bonuses instead of their own
- Houris: Distract - one enemy receives -2 To Hit or Saving Throw this round
- Illusionists: Befuddle - cause one enemy (whose Hit Dice cannot be higher than your level) to miss their attack before rolling To Hit
- Magic-Users: Counter Spell – another character affected by a spell last round or this round receives a second saving throw to cancel its effects
- Monks: Martial Meditation - meditate for a round and roll 1d6; next round the party’s initiative can be based on their roll or your roll, whichever is higher
- Necromancers: Haunt - any living, intelligent creature that died last round can appear this round as a ghost and make one attack on a target you choose
- Paladins: Rousing Hymn - loyalty checks and saving throws vs fear at +2 for all allies this round
- Rangers: Rally - this round, all allies receive +1 to AC and saving throws
- Thieves: Hide in Shadows - make a Thievery test, if successful you can Back Stab next round
- War Smiths: Repair - you can repair damage to a shield, helm or armour, restoring 1HP to the wearer