The Myrhaku are River Elves who hail from the vast eastern delta of Myrhak. Swamp Elves are a primitive tribe of Myrhaku who remain swamp dwellers. They are famous for training Watch Lizards (HD 1+1, AC 13) as guards and hunting beasts. The Myrhaku have a stern culture and employ coloured muds and oils to decorate their bodies. Their magic involves the burning of herbs, chanting and dance. They keep their Elfin Names a secret except to family and trusted companions.
Many Myrhaku are inducted into the Warden Rangers as scouts, guides and marshals in these remote regions. Joining this force is considered an honourable initiation into adulthood and a way of engaging with the world beyond the fens.
A clan lives in the swamps near Stonehell but only arrived here relatively recently, after the fall of the Sterling Potentate and the liberation of Stonehell. They are currently feuding with the Ghost Beggars, a large company of bandits who have a secret base in the vicinity of Stonehell, and the Hobgoblin Occupational Army, who are encroaching on their territory .
Many Myrhaku are inducted into the Warden Rangers as scouts, guides and marshals in these remote regions. Joining this force is considered an honourable initiation into adulthood and a way of engaging with the world beyond the fens.
A clan lives in the swamps near Stonehell but only arrived here relatively recently, after the fall of the Sterling Potentate and the liberation of Stonehell. They are currently feuding with the Ghost Beggars, a large company of bandits who have a secret base in the vicinity of Stonehell, and the Hobgoblin Occupational Army, who are encroaching on their territory .
Character Advancement
Swamp Elves can be Fighters, Thieves or Magic-Uses or advance as combined Fighter/Magic-Users. Using Expanded Lore, they can be Rangers (6th level), Bards (6th level) or Druids (8th level).
Swamp Crafts
Swamp Elves have an ability similar to Thievery which allows them to sneak, hide, set traps and detect/remove traps in a swamp setting. The skill starts at 1-2 (on a d6) and improves to 1-3 at 4th level and 1-4 at 7th level.
This skill can also be used in swamps to create blade venom for knives and arrows: if an envenomed attack hits and the roll is successful, the target must Save vs Poison or be paralysed for 1d6 rounds or take 1d4 damage. Blade venom remains effective for 24 hours after being applied in a swamp.
However, this specialisation limits them as Magic-Users. Their magic is slow and magic involves chanting and dance: the highest level of spell known to a Swamp Elf Magic-User requires two full turns to cast (but lower level spells are cast normally).
This skill can also be used in swamps to create blade venom for knives and arrows: if an envenomed attack hits and the roll is successful, the target must Save vs Poison or be paralysed for 1d6 rounds or take 1d4 damage. Blade venom remains effective for 24 hours after being applied in a swamp.
However, this specialisation limits them as Magic-Users. Their magic is slow and magic involves chanting and dance: the highest level of spell known to a Swamp Elf Magic-User requires two full turns to cast (but lower level spells are cast normally).
Hereditary Foes
Swamp Elves gain +1 (“to hit” and damage) when fighting goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, lizard men, intelligent undead and lycanthropes.
Keen Senses
Swamp Elves spot secret doors on a roll of 1-4 when searching or 1-2 when passing by.
Saving Throws
Swamp Elves gain an additional +2 on saving throws vs Poison or Disease. They are not paralysed by Ghouls or petrified by Cockatrices.
Swamp Elves speak their own dialect of Elvish as well as Goblin, Orc and Lizard Man.
Swamp Elves have artistic dispositions and once a week they can remove 1d6 Trauma by creating music, song, poetry or dance. They do not gain Trauma from being alone in dangerous swamp locations.