Simon “Noobirus” Piecha produced an excellent expansion for White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game that took that most pristine of old school RPGs in a new direction. I’ve plundered his Feats system for Dragonslayer because it’s simple, it allows players to customise their characters, and it makes going up a level a bit more exciting.
Upon reaching an even-numbered level, starting at 2nd level, choose two different abilities and increase them by one. Remember to recalculate Hit Points if the Constitution Modifier of a PC has increased.
If you want to use Fen Orc's No-Fear Psionics in your game, then instead of increasing abilities a psionicist can increase the size of their Psionic Stress Die (up to d12 max.) or construct a Psychic Decoy (up to one per Defence Mode known) or acquire another power from a Discipline they already know.
Upon reaching an odd-numbered level, choose a Feat from either the General Feats or the Class-specific Feats. Human PCs gain a Feat at 1st level, but demi-humans have to wait until 3rd level (effectively, they have Feats already from their racial abilities)
- Astute: Appraise gems/jewellery on 1 in 6 or increase the range for Dwarves/Gnomes/Thieves to do this by 1.
- Careful: Listening and finding secret doors range of success is increased by 1. This improves the chance of Thieves/Barbarian Hearing Noise, gives non-Thieves a 1 in 6 chance of Hearing Noise, gives non-Elves a 1 in 6 chance of spotting secret doors when actively searching, and increases the chance of success for Half-Elves and Elves).
- Gifted: Increase one chosen Ability by +1 – this may be chosen more than once
- Hawkeye: with ranged weapons you may either receive +2 to hit or gain +2 damage, but you must declare which benefit before rolling to hit
- Leadership: +2 to maximum henchmen/hirelings and +1 to Morale
- Linguistics: You learn a new language (even if Intelligence limit is exceeded) – this may be chosen more than once
- Quick Learner: +5% XP bonus (to all classes, if multi-classed)
- Sworn Foe: Nominate a monster type (as broad as ‘undead’ or ‘giant insects’) and receive +1 to hit and damage in combat with them
- Tough: +1 to all melee damage and Force Door Modifier increased by 1
- Tracker: You can track in the wilderness: 30% base, +2% for each individual after the first; -25% for every hour of rain and -10% for every day since the tracks were made. Half Orcs and Rangers (and Detectives) add +10%/+1% per individual to their tracking ability.
- Weapon Specialist: choose a weapon type and gain +1 to hit and +1 damage with that weapon OR [Maze Controller’s discretion] gain the use of a weapon normally prohibited by your Class or race
- Healing Hands: When you apply First Aid to a Stricken character, the patient saves at +3.
- Herbalist: When binding wounds you may restore 1d6 HP.
- Magi-chanical Limb: You have a prosthetic that replaces a severed limb, allowing you to use weapons or shields or walk/run unassisted – this may be chosen more than once
- Stout Defender: Roll a d10 for your Health Checks (or d12, if you choose this a second time)
- Tough As Old Boots: Once a day you can declare one Injury to be temporary when you receive it; it recovers after an hour.
- Unstoppable Fury: You are not knocked out when Stricken (although you will still die within 3 rounds if you do not receive First Aid)
In addition, there are more Feats if you wish to use Fen Orc's No-Fear Psionics in your game.
- Fearless: You are immune to fear from undead/demons
- Godly Weapon: Nominate a weapon type that doubles as your holy symbol; it counts as magical +1 for purposes of being able to hit undead/demons but conveys no additional bonus
- Grace Abounding: You can attempt to turn undead any number of times a day, but are still limited to three successful turnings - if you select this again, there is no limit to the number of times you may successdfully turn undead
- Holy Aura: All damage you receive is reduced by 1, or by 2 from undead/demons.
- Iron Will: You are immune to charm from undead/demons
- Stronger Turning: While turning undead you are treated as a cleric of one level higher
Druid Feats
- Beast Shape: This is like the Animal Shape power available to 7th level Druids, but you nominate one particular smaller-than-man-sized animal form you can adopt and you may only do so once per day; changing forms does not heal damage – if chosen again, you can chose a second form than may be larger-than-man-sized
- Body Alchemy: +2 to Saves vs. poisons and diseases.
- Natural Armor: Your AC is improved by 2 when standing in tall grass, trees, or water.
- Subtle Will: You are immune to charm/fear from Sylvan creatures (e.g. dryads)
- Sylvan Rebuke: you can turn Sylvan monsters once per day, as a Cleric turns undead; a D’ result means you can command Sylvan monsters – choosing this again increases the number of allowed turnings to 3 per day.
- Wild Tongue: choose one animal type with which you can communicate (as if casting Speak With Animals) at will – this may be chosen more than once
Monk Feats
- Deus Vult: You heal 1d6 HP after each victory in battle.
- Exorcist: Your Holy Chant cancels the effects of Sleep/Charm/mind-influencing powers while it is ongoing and affords victims a new Save to be free of the effect once it ends
- Iron Knuckles: you can attack bare-handed for 1d4 damage – each time you select this again, the damage increases by +1d4 and counts as a magic weapon
- Lore Master: +3 on Wisdom Checks to learn Ancient Lore
- Martial Artist: if you have the Iron Knuckles Feat, you Spare Not The Rod abilities also apply when you are unarmed.
- Water Walk: You can run or walk on water (you can't however stand on water – you can't end your turn on water during battle)
Detective Feats (see here)
- Corner the Quarry: If you successfully Tracked enemies, you and your party receive a +1 To-Hit and damage bonus while fighting them.
- Life Signs: Once per day you can ask the Maze Controller how many HP an enemy has left – if selected again, you can do this once per battle
- Martial Arts: you can attack bare-handed for 1d4 damage – each time you select this again, the damage increases by +1d4 and counts as a magic weapon
- Mind Palace: if you concentrate for a Turn you can recall things you have seen or heard in perfect detail - this could enable you to recreate a map, reproduce a conversation, etc - you can ask the Maze Controller to tell you details again
- Nemesis: Choose one particular enemy that you hunt. You are immune to its signature power. This could include the charm powers of Succubi, the level-draining of Vampires, lycanthropy from Werewolves, etc.
- Rumour Monger: You start each adventure with a true rumour relevant to your mission
- Deft: Choose one weapon type: you do not suffer any Critical Miss with this weapon when you roll a 1 – if selected again, apply this to another weapon type
- Fell-handed: Choose one weapon type with which you are already Deft: you benefit from a Critical Hit with this weapon when you roll a natural 19 or 20
- Life Signs: Once per day you can ask the Maze Controller how many HP an enemy has left – if selected again, you can do this once per battle
- Persistence: Add +3 to Hit Points – may be chosen more than once
- Shield Warrior: Shields improve your AC by 2 rather than 1 – if selected again, any ally fighting on your shield side gains the AC bonus of your shield too
- Veteran: Each round in combat, shout orders to an ally who gains either +1 to hit, +1 damage, or -1 to AC (you decide)
Barbarian Feats
- Camouflage: You can hide from sight in Wilderness settings in the same way as a Halfling
- First Strike Frenzy: When you first roll to hit at the start of a combat, gain +2 to hit – if you select this again, you Critical Hit if you hit successfully on the first strike
- Persistence: Add +3 to Hit Points – may be chosen more than once
- Sign Language: You can communicate with intelligent creatures using sign language, though this only conveys concepts involving trade, hunting, combat tactics, and directions.
- Totem Shape: Once per day you can shapeshift into the form of your Totem animal and back again (like the Druid’s Animal Shape, except you do not heal HP).
- Trophy: Gain 1d6 Hit Points after victory in battle
Paladin Feats
- Blessed: You may cast Bless once per day
- Crusader: +2 to damage against undead and demons - if selected again, your attacks always count as sufficiently magical to harm these enemies
- Guardian: Whenever a nearby (up to 5 feet) character would receive damage from an enemy, the Paladin may redirect all that damage to herself
- Inspiring Leader: Choose an ally at the start of each round who receives +1 to hit and damage.
- Inspiring Protector: Choose an ally at the start of each round who improves their Saves and AC by 1
- Witch Hunter: You can identify spells (you always know what spells are being cast and what is their effect) – if selected again, you take half damage from spells and no damage at all if you make the required Save
Ranger Feats
- Corner the Quarry: If you successfully Tracked monsters, you and your party receive a +1 To-Hit and damage bonus while fighting them.
- Dungeon Tracker: Your tracking skills can be used in dungeon settings below ground or indoors: the base chance is 80% and -25% is applied for every secret door or staircase to another level the quarry uses
- Far Seer: The Ranger can use scrolls and magic items that confer detection abilities, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and ESP. They do not need to use Read Magic to identify and use these spells on scrolls and automatically understand the commands needs to activate magic items with these powers.
- Persistence: Add +3 to Hit Points – may be chosen more than once
- Shadow Wanderer: The Ranger leaves no trace when he travels and can confer this on a number of other followers equal to his level – if selected again, the Ranger and his followers become invisible in wilderness settings when camped
- Wild Stealth: Your Surprise ability works when you are accompanied by up to 3 allies
- Arcane Talent: You can memorise one extra 1st level spell – if selected again, you can memorise an extra 2nd level spell
- Battle Mage: when you cast spells that deal damage, re-roll the damage and choose the better result
- Familiar: You acquire the ability to Find Familiar once a year without the expensive components; if you cast the spell Find Familiar then you automatically summon a unique familiar
- Gesture Magic: You don't need to speak while casting spells.
- Magic Aura: You have an invisible magic shield that improves your AC by -2
- Vocal Magic: You don't need to move while casting spells
Illusionist Feats
- Arcane Talent: You can memorise one extra 1st level spell – if selected again, you can memorise an extra 2nd level spell
- Convincing Illusions: -3 to saving throws or checks to disbelieve your illusions.
- Gesture Magic: You don't need to speak while casting spells.
- Phantasmal Aura: You always appear slightly distant from your actual location, meaning the first attack aimed at you in any combat always misses unless the attacker can see through illusions
- Pensive: You can see through illusions with a 20% active and 10% passive chance – if you select this again it increases to 50%/25%
- Vocal Magic: You don't need to move while casting spells
Astral Magic: If Mind Flayers feature in your campaign (see Psionic Monsters), this Feat allows an illusionist or magic-user to overcome anti-magic - spells only fail on a 6 on a d6 roll (rather than a 1-5)
- Acrobat: You can use your Climb Walls skill to perform leaps that are twice normal distances and take no damage from falls of up to 50 feet
- Arcane Rogue: Once per day you can Read Magic to cast spells from scrolls like a Magic-User
- Death Dealer: When you perform a Back Stab, forgo the +4 to hit bonus to deal triple damage – if you select this again, keep the +4 bonus and triple the damage
- Dual Wield: Same as the Assassin ability of the same name
- Rumour Monger: You start each adventure with a true rumour relevant to your mission
- Specialist: Increase one of your Thief Skills by +10% (maximum 99%)
Assassin Feats
- Apothecary: You can concoct your own Poisons and start each game with a paralytic poison and a 1 in 6 chance of a lethal poison – if you select this again, you always start with a lethal poison (subject to Maze Controller’s discretion).
- Master of Disguise: Your base chance to disguise yourself is 95%
- Rogue: You gain the Thief Skills of Hide in Shadows and Move Silently as if you were a Thief of the same level
- Sniper: Once per combat, gain your Backstab bonus in missile combat so long as you attack from the flank or rear (no need for surprise or Hide in Shadows) n- if you select this again, you can perform Assassinate this way too
- Strangler: You can use your Assassinate ability to kill with your bare hands; roll to hit at +2 and instead of doing damage you can throttle the target to death but this takes 2d4 rounds, during which time they are helpless to attack or cast spells
- Toxin Resistance: You dose yourself with poison to build up a resistance and re-roll failed saving throws, taking the best result.