When you Dispel or undo another magical effect, each charge you expend to increase Power creates +2 Power. Moreover, you always Test at Advantage for magic effects do undo other magic.
You have a loyal apprentice or perhaps a small coven or research team, represented by a d4 Usage Die. These persons are not Magi but they can help you with Spells (but not Hexes). They add an extra charge and allow you to roll an extra Casting Die beyond your normal Level limit when they assist with magic. If you select this Virtue again, increase the Apprentice Usage Die by one step.
Blood Magic*
You can lose 1d4 hp to gain a charge towards your current magical effect. Selecting this Virtue multiple times increases the number of charges and the damage (e.g. lose 2d4hp for 2 charges, lose 3d4hp for 3 charges). You can only use Blood Magic once per effect you cast.
Careful Preparation
At the start of the game, roll to cast one Spell, which can be Poised (for +1 charge, with a trigger word) or Permanent, if you wish. Do not Test a Stat: the Spell automatically succeeds. Then refresh all the Casting Dice used in the Spell.
You are famous in the human world - and perhaps further afield - as a rock star, politician, author, artist or simply a playboy philanthropist. There can be downsides to this fame, but once per game you can change any Reaction Roll to a 3 (NPC seeks a Favour).
Criminal Contacts*
You have ties to the criminal underworld, represented by a d4 Usage Die. You can roll this UD to obtain illegal goods (without using your Wealth UD), pick up information about crimes or criminals or to talk your way out of a confrontation with criminal types. Selecting this Virtue again increases the usage die by one step.
Dimensional Shifter
You can enter or leave the Spirit World by passing a WIS Test, without casting magic, so long as the Spirit Wall is not stronger than your Level +2.
Choose one Stat; once per hour you can automatically pass a single Test involving that Stat. If you select this Virtue again, you must choose an additional Stat.
Hardened Magic
When you create magic effects, add +1d6 to the effective Power for purposes of other Magi trying to Dispel or undo them.
You excel at Hexes but by-the-book Spells are not easy for you. When casting Hexes, you add an extra charge and can roll one more Casting Die than your normal level limit. However, when it comes to Spells, you are limited to your Level +1 rolls of Casting Dice and you cannot use your Hallows.
You command a loyal gang, represented by a d4 Usage Die. These people can be used to deliver messages or packages, tail suspects, gather information or source goods. If used to source good, the gang contributes an automatic success on any Wealth roll. Selecting this Virtue again increases the usage die by one step.
Once a day, when Resting and refreshing your Casting Die, you can refresh all your Casting Dice by one step.
You can maintain your Level +1 magical effects at the same time (rather than just your Level in magical effects) and when you start a new game one of your Permanent effects from last game is still in effect, without having to turn it into a Dweomer.
Mystic Flow
You can choose to 'burn' a Casting Die, causing it to exhaust automatically but gaining you a number of charges equal to the result rolled. This must be the first time you roll that Casting Die for a particular effect and can only be done once per Die per effect.
You excel at Spells but spontaneous Hexes are not easy for you. When casting Spells, your Casting Time is always in Moments (not Minutes) and you can roll one more Casting Die than your normal level limit. However, when it comes to Hexes, you are limited to your Level +1 rolls of Casting Dice and you cannot use your Hallows.
You are not limited to using a single point of Thaum to boost your magic. Instead you may use as many points of Thaum as you have Levels to boost an effect.
Thaumic Reserves
When one of your Casting Dice fully exhausts, you automatically refresh another Casting Die by one step.
Warded Bones
Powerful Wards are carved on your bones (or painted as tattoos or coded into your DNA); you are automatically considered to be Warded at all times with a Power of your Level +2.
When you create a Ward, roll your Hubris Die and add it to the Power (but do not increase your Hubris).
If ever you fail a Casting Test, you instead automatically pass but gain a point of Backlash.
Weapon Master*
You have a weapon (choose it when you select this Virtue) with which you can attack twice per Moment. If you select this Virtue again, choose a different weapon or gain an additional attack per Moment with the earlier one.